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EU CRPD Framework - promotion

Promoting human rights in the EU and around the world is one of the EU's main goals.

The CRPD is now an integral part of the EU legal order. This means that EU legislation and practices must be consistent with the requirements of the convention. 

How EU Framework members promote the CRPD

The European Parliament:

  • promotes the rights of persons with disabilities through public debates and hearings, conferences and press conferences;
  • set up an inter-committee network, presided by the Committee on Employment and Social Affairs and made up of members from various committees, to review and screen documents and activities, raise awareness of disability related issues and promote a coordinated approach if possible.

The European Ombudsman:

  • helps inform European citizens about their rights and obligations;
  • works with national and regional ombudsmen in the European Network of Ombudsmen to promote good administrative practices throughout the EU.

The EU Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA):

  • addresses the rights of persons with disabilities as a specific component of its awareness-raising activities, including through the publication of reports and other materials, stakeholder engagement, communication and events;
  • mainstreams disability across other thematic areas and activities.

The European Disability Forum:

  • promotes the rights of persons with disabilities via awareness-raising campaigns, such as on freedom of movement for persons with disabilities;
  • monitors the compliance of EU legislation and policies with the CRPD;
  • gives technical advice to public and private authorities on the application of the CRPD.