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FRA works closely with its partners at all levels of the European Union to ensure that its activities are relevant to current fundamental rights issues and future trends. The agency holds consultations with a wide range of stakeholders to ensure that its projects respond to specific gaps and needs. In order to pool knowledge and resources, FRA coordinates research and shares expertise with a large number of organisations.

FRA cooperates continuously with EU Institutions and Member States to provide them with independent expert advice and fundamental rights analysis. It has set up networks and established links with partners at all levels, so that its advice and research can reach decision makers in national governments and the EU.

Within this framework, FRA maintains particularly close working relations with:

EU institutions and other bodies


Member States of the European Union


Council of Europe


Civil society & the Fundamental Rights Platform


National Human Rights Institutions, Equality Bodies and Ombudsperson Institutions


UN, OSCE & other international organisations