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In close cooperation with the European Commission, the project collects data and populates a number of relevant indicators on the protection, respect, promotion and fulfilment of the fundamental rights of migrants in the EU. Secondary data is being collected through desk research, mapping the relevant law and policy tools related to equality and non-discrimination, political participation, participation in associative life, along with other aspects of social cohesion and inclusion in society.
The EU still faces challenges in its efforts to ensure that migrants and their descendants are included and participate in society. Intolerance, xenophobia and racism, fuelling hate crime and discrimination against migrants or refugees and their descendants, raise concerns in many Member States. At the same time, Member States are promoting the equitable participation of migrants and their descendants in society, so that they can contribute to the EU’s objectives for inclusive growth.
FRA recognises in its Strategic Plan 2013-2017 that integration should take place in a framework that respects fundamental rights. One of the main challenges it identifies is the integration of migrants and the rights associated with their ability to contribute effectively to the economic, social and cultural development of European societies. This research will provide EU and national policy makers with evidence on the implementation of integration and social inclusion policies.
The Agency is developing, in close cooperation with the European Commission and other relevant stakeholders, rights-based indicators building on relevant work carried out within the framework of the pilot study on common integration indicators completed by Eurostat, as well as recent relevant work by the European Commission, OECD and other actors. These indicators include: structural indicators on relevant legal and policy provisions reflecting commitments to existing human rights standards; process indicators on relevant measures and actions reflecting specific efforts made; and outcome indicators showing the level of actual enjoyment of rights by ‘right holders’.
Data for the indicators is being collected through desk research mapping legal and policy provisions in 2015 and 2016. The analysis and results focus on equality and non-discrimination, education, societal and political participation and other aspects of social inclusion and cohesion.
The publication ‘Together in the EU - Promoting the participation of migrants and their descendants’ presents the results of this research project