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EU Charter of Fundamental Rights

Articolo 10 - Libertà di pensiero, di coscienza e di religione

Articolo 10 - Libertà di pensiero, di coscienza e di religione

1. Ogni persona ha diritto alla libertà di pensiero, di coscienza e di religione. Tale diritto include la libertà di cambiare religione o convinzione, così come la libertà di manifestare la propria religione o la propria convinzione individualmente o collettivamente, in pubblico o in privato, mediante il culto, l'insegnamento, le pratiche e l'osservanza dei riti.

2. Il diritto all'obiezione di coscienza è riconosciuto secondo le leggi nazionali che ne disciplinano l'esercizio.

    • Text:

      Il diritto garantito al paragrafo 1 corrisponde a quello garantito dall'articolo 9 della CEDU e, ai sensi dell'articolo 52, paragrafo 3 della Carta, ha significato e portata identici a detto articolo. Le limitazioni devono pertanto rispettare l'articolo 9, paragrafo 2, che recita: `La libertà di professare la propria religione o il proprio credo non può essere oggetto di restrizioni diverse da quelle che, stabilite dalla legge, costituiscono misure necessarie, in una società democratica, alla pubblica sicurezza, alla protezione dell’ordine, della salute o della morale pubblica, o alla protezione dei diritti e della libertà altrui.`.
      Il diritto garantito al paragrafo 2 rispecchia le tradizioni costituzionali nazionali e all’evoluzione delle legislazioni nazionali a questo proposito.

      Gazzetta ufficiale dell'Unione europea C 303/17 - 14.12.2007
      Preamble - Explanations relating to the Charter of Fundamental Rights:
      Le presenti spiegazioni erano state elaborate, nella versione iniziale, sotto l'autorità del praesidium della Convenzione che aveva redatto la Carta dei diritti fondamentali dell’Unione europea e sono ora state aggiornate sotto la responsabilità del praesidium della Convenzione europea, sulla scorta degli adeguamenti redazionali che quest’ultima Convenzione ha apportato al testo della Carta (in particolare agli articoli 51 e 52) e dell’evoluzione del diritto dell’Unione. Benché non abbiano di per sé status di legge, esse rappresentano un prezioso strumento d’interpretazione destinato a chiarire le disposizioni della Carta.
    • IX v WABE and MH Müller Handels GmbH v MJ
      Decision date:
      Deciding body type:
      Court of Justice of the European Union
      Deciding body:
      Advocate General
      Policy area:
      Employment and social policy
      ECLI (European case law identifier):
    • Bahtiyar Fathi v Predsedatel na Darzhavna agentsia za bezhantsite
      Decision date:
      Deciding body type:
      Court of Justice of the European Union
      Deciding body:
      Court (Second Chamber)
      Policy area:
      Justice, freedom and security
      ECLI (European case law identifier):
    • IR v JQ.
      Decision date:
      Deciding body type:
      Court of Justice of the European Union
      Deciding body:
      Court (Grand Chamber)
      Policy area:
      Employment and social policy
      ECLI (European case law identifier):
    • Bahtiyar Fathi v Predsedatel na Darzhavna agentsia za bezhantsite
      Decision date:
      Deciding body type:
      Court of Justice of the European Union
      Deciding body:
      Advocate General
      Policy area:
      Justice, freedom and security
      ECLI (European case law identifier):
    • A/S “Delfi” and an individual
      Decision date:
      Deciding body type:
      National Court/Tribunal
      Deciding body:
      Administrative Regional Court
      Policy area:
      Information society
      ECLI (European case law identifier):
    • Proceedings brought by Tietosuojavaltuutettu
      Decision date:
      Deciding body type:
      Court of Justice of the European Union
      Deciding body:
      Court (Grand Chamber)
      Policy area:
      Information society
      ECLI (European case law identifier):
    • Nordens Céu Sagrado Mester Fernandos Center for Meditation og Videnskab v. the Ministry of Health
      Decision date:
      Deciding body type:
      National Court/Tribunal
      Deciding body:
      Supreme Court
      Policy area:
      ECLI (European case law identifier):
    • IR v JQ.
      Decision date:
      Deciding body type:
      Court of Justice of the European Union
      Deciding body:
      Advocate General
      Policy area:
      Employment and social policy
      ECLI (European case law identifier):
    • Liga van Moskeeën en Islamitische Organisaties Provincie Antwerpen, VZW and Others v Vlaams Gewest
      Decision date:
      Deciding body type:
      Court of Justice of the European Union
      Deciding body:
      Court (Grand Chamber)
      Policy area:
      ECLI (European case law identifier):
    • Vera Egenberger v Evangelisches Werk für Diakonie und Entwicklung e.V.
      Decision date:
      Deciding body type:
      Court of Justice of the European Union
      Deciding body:
      Court (Grand Chamber)
      Policy area:
      Employment and social policy
      ECLI (European case law identifier):

    38 results found

    • Grondwet voor het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden

      Artikel 6 1. Ieder heeft het recht zijn godsdienst of levensovertuiging, individueel of in gemeenschap met anderen, vrij te belijden, behoudens ieders verantwoordelijkheid volgens de wet.2. De wet kan ter zake van de uitoefening van dit recht buiten gebouwen en besloten plaatsen regels stellen ter bescherming van de gezondheid, in het belang van het verkeer en ter bestrijding of voorkoming van wanordelijkheden.

    • Charter of Fundamental Rights and Freedoms

      Article 15 (1) The freedom of thought, conscience, and religious conviction is guaranteed. Everyone has the right to change her religion or faith or to have no religious conviction. (…) (3) No one may be compelled to perform military service if such is contrary to his conscience or religious conviction. Detailed provisions shall be laid down in a law. Article 16 (1) Everyone has the right freely to manifest her religion or faith, either alone or in community with others, in private or public, through worship, teaching, practice, or observance. (2) Churches and religious societies govern their own affairs; in particular, they establish their own bodies and appoint their clergy, as well as found religious orders and other church institutions, independently of state authorities. (3) The conditions under which religious instruction may be given at state schools shall be set by law. (4) The exercise of these rights may be limited by law in the case of measures necessary in a democratic society for the protection of public safety and order, health and morals, or the rights and freedoms of others.

    • Listina základních práv a svobod

      Článek 15 (1) Svoboda myšlení, svědomí a náboženského vyznání je zaručena. Každý má právo změnit své náboženství nebo víru anebo být bez náboženského vyznání. (...) (3) Nikdo nemůže být nucen vykonávat vojenskou službu, pokud je to v rozporu s jeho svědomím nebo s jeho náboženským vyznáním. Podrobnosti stanoví zákon. Článek 16 (1) Každý má právo svobodně projevovat své náboženství nebo víru buď sám nebo společně s jinými, soukromě nebo veřejně, bohoslužbou, vyučováním, náboženskými úkony nebo zachováváním obřadu. (2) Církve a náboženské společnosti spravují své záležitosti, zejména ustavují své orgány, ustanovují své duchovní a zřizují řeholní a jiné církevní instituce nezávisle na státních orgánech. (3) Zákon stanoví podmínky vyučování náboženství na státních školách. (4) Výkon těchto práv může být omezen zákonem, jde-li o opatření v demokratické společnosti nezbytná pro ochranu veřejné bezpečnosti a pořádku, zdraví a mravnosti nebo práv a svobod druhých.

    • Human Rights Act 1998
      United Kingdom

      See ECHR provisions of Article 9 which have been incorporated into UK law by the Human Rights Act 1998. Schedule 1 Article 9 Freedom of thought, conscience and religion
      1Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief, in worship, teaching, practice and observance.
      2Freedom to manifest one’s religion or beliefs shall be subject only to such limitations as are prescribed by law and are necessary in a democratic society in the interests of public safety, for the protection of public order, health or morals, or for the protection of the rights and freedoms of others.

    • Instrument of Government

      Chapter 2 - Fundamental rights and freedoms: Article 1 Every citizen shall be guaranteed the following rights and freedoms in his relations with the public institutions: 1. freedom of expression: that is, the freedom to communicate information and express thoughts, opinions and sentiments, whether orally, pictorially, in writing, or in any other way; 2. freedom of information: that is, the freedom to procure and receive information and otherwise acquaint oneself with the utterances of others; 3. freedom of assembly: that is, the freedom to organise or attend meetings for the purposes of information or the expression of opinion or for any other similar purpose, or for the purpose of presenting artistic work; 4. freedom to demonstrate: that is, the freedom to organise or take part in demonstrations in a public place; 5. freedom of association: that is, the freedom to associate with others for public or private purposes; and 6. freedom of worship: that is, the freedom to practise one’s religion alone or in the company of others. Article 2 No one shall in his or her relations with the public institutions be coerced to divulge an opinion in a political, religious, cultural or other such connection. Nor may anyone in his or her relations with the public institutions be coerced to participate in a meeting for the shaping of opinion or a demonstration or other manifestation of opinion, or to belong to a political association, religious community or other association for opinion referred to in sentence one; Article 3 No record in a public register concerning a Swedish citizen may be based without his or her consent solely on his or her political opinions.

    • Regeringsformen

      2 kapitlet - Grundläggande fri- och rättigheter: Var och en är gentemot det allmänna tillförsäkrad 1. yttrandefrihet: frihet att i tal, skrift eller bild eller på annat sätt meddela upplysningar samt uttrycka tankar, åsikter och känslor; 2. informationsfrihet: frihet att inhämta och ta emot upplysningar samt att i övrigt ta del av andras yttranden; 3. mötesfrihet: frihet att anordna och delta i sammankomster för upplysning, meningsyttring eller annat liknande syfte eller för framförande av konstnärligt verk; 4. demonstrationsfrihet: frihet att anordna och delta i demonstrationer på allmän plats; 5. föreningsfrihet: frihet att sammansluta sig med andra för allmänna eller enskilda syften; 6. religionsfrihet: frihet att ensam eller tillsammans med andra utöva sin religion; 2 § Ingen får av det allmänna tvingas att ge till känna sin åskådning i politiskt, religiöst, kulturellt eller annat sådant hänseende. Inte heller får någon av det allmänna tvingas att delta i sammankomst för opinionsbildning eller i demonstration eller annan meningsyttring eller att tillhöra politisk sammanslutning, trossamfund eller annan sammanslutning för åskådning som avses i första meningen; 3 § Ingen svensk medborgare får utan samtycke antecknas i ett allmänt register enbart på grund av sin politiska åskådning.

    • Constitutión Española

      Artículo 161. Se garantiza la libertad ideológica, religiosa y de culto de los individuos y las comunidades sin más limitación, en sus manifestaciones, que la necesaria para el mantenimiento del orden público protegido por la ley. 2. Nadie podrá ser obligado a declarar sobre su ideología, religión o creencias. 3. Ninguna confesión tendrá carácter estatal. Los poderes públicos tendrán en cuenta las creencias religiosas de la sociedad española y mantendrán las consiguientes relaciones de cooperación con la Iglesia Católica y las demás confesiones.

      Artículo 301. Los españoles tienen el derecho y el deber de defender a España. 2. La ley fijará las obligaciones militares de los españoles y regulará, con las debidas garantías, la objeción de conciencia, así como las demás causas de exención del servicio militar obligatorio, pudiendo imponer, en su caso, una prestación social sustitutoria. (...)

    • Constitution of the Kingdom of Spain

      Section 30(1) Citizens have the right and the duty to defend Spain. (2) The law shall determine the military obligations of Spaniards and shall regulate, with all due guarantees, conscientious objection as well as other grounds for exemption from compulsory military service; it may also, when appropriate, impose a community service in place of military service. (...)

      Section 161. Freedom of ideology, religion and worship of individuals and communities is guaranteed, with no other restriction on their expression than may be necessary to maintain public order as protected by law.2. No one may be compelled to make statements regarding his or her ideology, religion or beliefs. 3. No religion shall have a state character. The public authorities shall take into account the religious beliefs of Spanish society and shall consequently maintain appropriate cooperation relations with the Catholic Church and other confessions.

    • Constitution of the Republic of Slovenia

      Article 7 The state and religious communities shall be separate. Religious communities shall enjoy equal rights; they shall pursue their activities freely.Article 41 Religious and other beliefs may be freely professed in private and public life. No one shall be obliged to declare his religious or other beliefs. Parents have the right to provide their children with a religious and moral upbringing in accordance with their beliefs. The religious and moral guidance given to children must be appropriate to their age and maturity, and be consistent with their free conscience and religious and other beliefs or convictions.

    • Ustava Republike Slovenije

      7. člen Država in verske skupnosti so ločene. Verske skupnosti so enakopravne; njihovo delovanje je svobodno.

      41. člen Izpovedovanje vere in drugih opredelitev v zasebnem in javnem življenju je svobodno. Nihče se ni dolžan opredeliti glede svojega verskega ali drugega prepričanja. Starši imajo pravico, da v skladu s svojim prepričanjem zagotavljajo svojim otrokom versko in moralno vzgojo. Usmerjanje otrok glede verske in moralne vzgoje mora biti v skladu z otrokovo starostjo in zrelostjo ter z njegovo svobodo vesti, verske in druge opredelitve ali prepričanja.

    • Constitution of the Slovak Republic

      Article 24(1) Freedom of thought, conscience, religion and belief shall be guaranteed. This right shall include the right to change religion or belief and the right to refrain from a religious affiliation. Everyone has the right to express his or her mind publicly. (2) Everyone has the right to manifest freely his or her religion or belief either alone or in association with others, privately or publicly, in worship, religious acts, maintaining ceremonies or to participate in teaching. (3) Churches and religious communities administer their own affairs themselves; in particular, they constitute their bodies, appoint clericals, organize the teaching of religion, and establish religious orders and other clerical institutions independent of state bodies. (4) The exercise of rights under paragraphs 1 to 3 may be restricted only by a law, if such a measure is necessary in a democratic society to protect public order, health, morals, or the rights and freedoms of others. Article 25(1) The defence of the Slovak Republic is a duty and a matter of honour for citizens. The law shall lay down the scope of the compulsory military service. (2) No one shall be forced to perform military service if it is against her conscience or religion. Details shall be laid down by law.

    • Ústava Slovenskej republiky

      Čl. 24(1) Sloboda myslenia, svedomia, náboženského vyznania a viery sa zaručujú. Toto právo zahŕňa aj možnosť zmeniť náboženské vyznanie alebo vieru. Každý má právo byť bez náboženského vyznania. Každý má právo verejne prejavovať svoje zmýšľanie. (2) Každý má právo slobodne prejavovať svoje náboženstvo alebo vieru buď sám, buď spoločne s inými, súkromne alebo verejne, bohoslužbou, náboženskými úkonmi, zachovávaním obradov alebo zúčastňovať sa na jeho vyučovaní. (3) Cirkvi a náboženské spoločnosti spravujú svoje záležitosti samy, najmä zriaďujú svoje orgány, ustanovujú svojich duchovných, zabezpečujú vyučovanie náboženstva a zakladajú rehoľné a iné cirkevné inštitúcie nezávisle od štátnych orgánov. (4) Podmienky výkonu práv podľa odsekov 1 až 3 možno obmedziť iba zákonom, ak ide o opatrenie nevyhnutné v demokratickej spoločnosti na ochranu verejného poriadku, zdravia a mravnosti alebo práv a slobôd iných. Čl. 25 (1) Obrana Slovenskej republiky je povinnosťou a vecou cti občanov. Zákon ustanoví rozsah brannej povinnosti. (2) Nikoho nemožno nútiť, aby vykonával vojenskú službu, ak je to v rozpore s jeho svedomím alebo náboženským vyznaním. Podrobnosti ustanoví zákon.

    • Constituția României

      Articolul 29(1) Libertatea gândirii si a opiniilor, precum si libertatea credintelor religioase nu pot fi îngradite sub nici o forma. Nimeni nu poate fi constrâns sa adopte o opinie ori sa adere la o credinta religioasa, contrare convingerilor sale. (2) Libertatea constiintei este garantata; ea trebuie sa se manifeste în spirit de toleranta si de respect reciproc. (3) Cultele religioase sunt libere si se organizeaza potrivit statutelor proprii, în conditiile legii. (4) În relatiile dintre culte sunt interzise orice forme, mijloace, acte sau actiuni de învrajbire religioasa. (5) Cultele religioase sunt autonome fata de stat si se bucura de sprijinul acestuia, inclusiv prin înlesnirea asistentei religioase în armata, în spitale, în penitenciare, în azile si în orfelinate. (6) Parintii sau tutorii au dreptul de a asigura, potrivit propriilor convingeri, educatia copiilor minori a caror raspundere le revine.

    • Constitution of Romania

      Article 29(1) Freedom of thought, opinion, and religious beliefs shall not be restricted in any form whatsoever. No one shall be compelled to embrace an opinion or religion contrary to his own convictions. (2) Freedom of conscience is guaranteed; it must be manifested in a spirit of tolerance and mutual respect. (3) All religions shall be free and organized in accordance with their own statutes, under the terms laid down by law. (4) Any forms, means, acts or actions of religious enmity shall be prohibited in the relationships among the cults. (5) Religious cults shall be autonomous from the State and shall enjoy support from it, including the facilitation of religious assistance in the army, in hospitals, prisons, homes and orphanages. (6) Parents or legal tutors have the right to ensure, in accordance with their own convictions, the education of the minor children whose responsibility devolves on them.

    • Constitution of the Portuguese Republic

      Article 41 (Freedom of conscience, of religion and of form of worship) (1) Freedom of conscience, religion and worship shall be inviolable. (2) No one shall be persecuted, deprived of rights or exempted from civic obligations or duties because of his convictions or religious observance. (3) No authority shall question anyone in relation to his convictions or religious observance, save in order to gather statistical data that cannot be individually identified, nor shall anyone be prejudiced in any way for refusing to answer. (4) Churches and other religious communities shall be separate from the state and free to organise themselves and to perform their ceremonies and their worship. (5) Freedom to teach any religion within the denomination in question and to use appropriate media for the pursuit of its activities shall be guaranteed. (6) The right to be a conscientious objector, as laid down by law, shall be guaranteed.

    • Constituição da República Portuguesa

      Artigo 41.º (Liberdade de consciência, de religião e de culto) 1. A liberdade de consciência, de religião e de culto é inviolável. 2. Ninguém pode ser perseguido, privado de direitos ou isento de obrigações ou deveres cívicos por causa das suas convicções ou prática religiosa. 3. Ninguém pode ser perguntado por qualquer autoridade acerca das suas convicções ou prática religiosa, salvo para recolha de dados estatísticos não individualmente identificáveis, nem ser prejudicado por se recusar a responder. 4. As igrejas e outras comunidades religiosas estão separadas do Estado e são livres na sua organização e no exercício das suas funções e do culto. 5. É garantida a liberdade de ensino de qualquer religião praticado no âmbito da respectiva confissão, bem como a utilização de meios de comunicação social próprios para o prosseguimento das suas actividades. 6. É garantido o direito à objecção de consciência, nos termos da lei.

    • Constitution of the Republic of Poland

      Article 25.1. Churches and other religious organizations shall have equal rights. 2. Public authorities in the Republic of Poland shall be impartial in matters of personal conviction, whether religious or philosophical, or in relation to outlooks on life, and shall ensure their freedom of expression within public life. 3. The relationship between the State and churches and other religious organizations shall be based on the principle of respect for their autonomy and the mutual independence of each in its own sphere, as well as on the principle of cooperation for the individual and the common good. 4. The relations between the Republic of Poland and the Roman Catholic Church shall be determined by international treaty concluded with the Holy See, and by statute. 5. The relations between the Republic of Poland and other churches and religious organizations shall be determined by statutes adopted pursuant to agreements concluded between their appropriate representatives and the Council of Ministers.Article 53 1. Freedom of conscience and religion shall be ensured to everyone. 2. Freedom of religion shall include the freedom to profess or to accept a religion by personal choice as well as to manifest such religion, either individually or collectively, publicly or privately, by worshipping, praying, participating in ceremonies, performing of rites or teaching. Freedom of religion shall also include possession of sanctuaries and other places of worship for the satisfaction of the needs of believers as well as the right of individuals, wherever they may be, to benefit from religious services. 3. Parents shall have the right to ensure their children a moral and religious upbringing and teaching in accordance with their convictions. The provisions of Article 48, para. 1 shall apply as appropriate. 4. The religion of a church or other legally recognized religious organization may be taught in schools, but other peoples' freedom of religion and conscience shall not be infringed thereby. 5. The freedom to publicly express religion may be limited only by means of statute and only where this is necessary for the defence of State security, public order, health, morals or the freedoms and rights of others. 6. No one shall be compelled to participate or not participate in religious practices. 7. No one may be compelled by organs of public authority to disclose his philosophy of life, religious convictions or belief.Article 85 (...) 3. Any citizen whose religious convictions or moral principles do not allow him to perform military service may be obliged to perform substitute service in accordance with principles specified by statute.

    • Konstytucja Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej

      Art. 25.1. Kościoły i inne związki wyznaniowe są równouprawnione. 2. Władze publiczne w Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej zachowują bezstronność w sprawach przekonań religijnych, światopoglądowych i filozoficznych, zapewniając swobodę ich wyrażania w życiu publicznym. 3. Stosunki między państwem a kościołami i innymi związkami wyznaniowymi są kształtowane na zasadach poszanowania ich autonomii oraz wzajemnej niezależności każdego w swoim zakresie, jak również współdziałania dla dobra człowieka i dobra wspólnego. 4. Stosunki między Rzecząpospolitą Polską a Kościołem katolickim określają umowa międzynarodowa zawarta ze Stolicą Apostolską i ustawy. 5. Stosunki między Rzecząpospolitą Polską a innymi kościołami oraz związkami wyznaniowymi określają ustawy uchwalone na podstawie umów zawartych przez Radę Ministrów z ich właściwymi przedstawicielami. Art. 53. 1. Każdemu zapewnia się wolność sumienia i religii. 2. Wolność religii obejmuje wolność wyznawania lub przyjmowania religii według własnego wyboru oraz uzewnętrzniania indywidualnie lub z innymi, publicznie lub prywatnie, swojej religii przez uprawianie kultu, modlitwę, uczestniczenie w obrzędach, praktykowanie i nauczanie. Wolność religii obejmuje także posiadanie świątyń i innych miejsc kultu w zależności od potrzeb ludzi wierzących oraz prawo osób do korzystania z pomocy religijnej tam, gdzie się znajdują. 3. Rodzice mają prawo do zapewnienia dzieciom wychowania i nauczania moralnego i religijnego zgodnie ze swoimi przekonaniami. Przepis art. 48 ust. 1 stosuje się odpowiednio. 4. Religia kościoła lub innego związku wyznaniowego o uregulowanej sytuacji prawnej może być przedmiotem nauczania w szkole, przy czym nie może być naruszona wolność sumienia i religii innych osób. 5. Wolność uzewnętrzniania religii może być ograniczona jedynie w drodze ustawy i tylko wtedy, gdy jest to konieczne do ochrony bezpieczeństwa państwa, porządku publicznego, zdrowia, moralności lub wolności i praw innych osób. 6. Nikt nie może być zmuszany do uczestniczenia ani do nieuczestniczenia w praktykach religijnych. 7. Nikt nie może być obowiązany przez organy władzy publicznej do ujawnienia swojego światopoglądu, przekonań religijnych lub wyznania.Art. 85. (...) 3.Obywatel, któremu przekonania religijne lub wyznawane zasady moralne nie pozwalają na odbywanie służby wojskowej, może być obowiązany do służby zastępczej na zasadach określonych w ustawie

    • Constitution of Malta

      Article 40 (1) All persons in Malta shall have full freedom of conscience and enjoy the free exercise of their respective mode of religious worship. (2) No person shall be required to receive instruction in religion or to show knowledge or proficiency in religion if, in the case of a person who has not attained the age of sixteen years, objection to such requirement is made by the person who according to law has authority over him and, in any other case, if the person so required objects thereto:Provided that no such requirement shall be held to be inconsistent with or in contravention of this article to the extent that the knowledge of, or the proficiency or instruction in, religion is required for the teaching of such religion, or for admission to the priesthood or to a religious order, or for other religious purposes, and except so far as that requirement is shown not to be reasonably justifiable in a democratic society. (3) Nothing contained in or done under the authority of any law shall be held to be inconsistent with or in contravention of subarticle (1), to the extent that the law in question makes provision that is reasonably required in the interests of public safety, public order, public morality or decency, public health, or the protection of the rights and freedoms of others, and except so far as that provision or, as the case may be, the thing done under the authority thereof, is shown not to be reasonably justifiable in a democratic society. font>

    • Constitution du Grand Duche de Luxembourg

      Article 19. La liberté des cultes, celle de leur exercice public, ainsi que la liberté de manifester ses opinions religieuses, sont garanties, sauf la répression des délits commis à l’occasion de l’usage de ces libertés. Article 20. Nul ne peut être contraint de concourir d’une manière quelconque aux actes et aux cérémonies d’un culte ni d’en observer les jours de repos

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