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Artikel 18 - Het recht op asiel
Het recht op asiel is gegarandeerd met inachtneming van de voorschriften van het Verdrag van Genève van 28 juli 1951 en het Protocol van 31 januari 1967 betreffende de status van vluchtelingen, en overeenkomstig het Verdrag betreffende de Europese Unie en het Verdrag betreffende de werking van de Europese Unie (hierna: "de Verdragen" genoemd).
De tekst van het artikel is gebaseerd op artikel 63 VEG, nu vervangen door artikel 78 van het Verdrag betreffende de werking van de Europese Unie, dat de Unie verplicht het Vluchtelingenverdrag van Genève te eerbiedigen. Er dient te worden verwezen naar de bepalingen van het aan de Verdragen gehechte protocol betreffende de positie van het Verenigd Koninkrijk en Ierland, alsmede van het protocol betreffende de positie van Denemarken, om te bepalen in hoeverre deze lidstaten het recht van de Unie ter zake uitvoeren en in hoeverre dit artikel op hen van toepassing is. Dit artikel eerbiedigt het aan de Verdragen gehechte protocol inzake asiel.
1 § Tämän lain tarkoituksena on toteuttaa ja edistää hyvää hallintoa ja oikeusturvaa ulkomaalaisasioissa. Lain tarkoituksena on lisäksi edistää hallittua maahanmuuttoa ja kansainvälisen suojelun antamista ihmisoikeuksia ja perusoikeuksia kunnioittaen sekä ottaen huomioon Suomea velvoittavat kansainväliset sopimukset. 2 § Ulkomaalaisen maahantuloon, maastalähtöön sekä oleskeluun ja työntekoon Suomessa sovelletaan tätä lakia ja sen nojalla annettuja säännöksiä.
§ 1. Scope of Act (1) This Act regulates the bases for granting international protection to an alien, the legal status of an alien who is applying for international protection and of an alien who has been granted international protection and the legal bases for his or her temporary stay, residence and employment in Estonia on the basis of treaties and the legislation of the European Union. (2) International protection is granted to an alien with regard to whom refugee status or subsidiary protection status is established or to an alien with regard to whom it is established that he or she belongs to the category of persons in need of temporary protection as defined in a decision of the Council of the European Union. (3) The provisions of the Administrative Procedure Act apply to administrative proceedings prescribed in this Act, taking account of the specifications provided for in this Act.
8. (1) Upon application, a residence permit will be issued to an alien who arrives in Denmark under an agreement made with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees or similar international agreement, and who falls within the provisions of the Convention relating to the Status of Refugees (28 July 1951), see section 7(1). (2) In addition to the cases mentioned in subsection (1), a residence permit will be issued, upon application, to an alien who arrives in Denmark under an agreement as mentioned in subsection (1), and who risks the death penalty or being subjected to torture or inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment in case of return to his country of origin, see section 7(2). (3) In addition to the cases mentioned in subsections (1) and (2), a residence permit will be issued, upon application, to an alien who arrives in Denmark under an agreement as mentioned in subsection (1), and who would presumably have satisfied the fundamental conditions for obtaining a residence permit under one of the provisions of the Aliens Act if he had entered Denmark as an asylum-seeker. (...)
§ 8. Efter ansøgning gives der opholdstilladelse til udlændinge, der kommer hertil som led i en aftale med De Forenede Nationers Højkommissær for Flygtninge eller lignende international aftale, og som er omfattet af flygtningekonventionen af 28. juli 1951, jf. § 7, stk. 1. Stk. 2. Ud over de i stk. 1 nævnte tilfælde gives der efter ansøgning opholdstilladelse til udlændinge, der kommer hertil som led i en aftale som nævnt i stk. 1, og som ved en tilbagevenden til hjemlandet risikerer dødsstraf eller at blive underkastet tortur eller anden umenneskelig eller nedværdigende behandling eller straf, jf. § 7, stk. 2. Stk. 3. Ud over de i stk. 1 og 2 nævnte tilfælde gives der efter ansøgning opholdstilladelse til udlændinge, der kommer hertil som led i en aftale som nævnt i stk. 1, og som må antages at ville opfylde grundprincipperne for at opnå opholdstilladelse efter en af udlændingelovens bestemmelser, såfremt de var indrejst i Danmark som asylansøgere. (...)
Article 33 Foreign citizens and stateless persons may be granted asylum in Croatia, unless they are being prosecuted for non-political crimes and activities contrary to the fundamental principles of international law. No alien legally in the territory of the Republic of Croatia shall be banished or extradited to another state, except in cases of enforcement of decisions made in compliance with an international treaty or law.
Članak 33. Strani državljanin i osobe bez državljanstva mogu dobiti utočište u Republici Hrvatskoj, osim ako su progonjeni za nepolitičke zločine i djelatnosti oprečne temeljnim načelima međunarodnog prava. Stranac koji se zakonito nalazi na teritoriju Republike Hrvatske ne može biti protjeran ni izručen drugoj državi, osim kad se mora izvršiti odluka donesena u skladu s međunarodnim ugovorom i zakonom.
Art. 26. [...] (2) Foreigners residing in the Republic of Bulgaria shall be vested with all rights and obligations proceeding from this Constitution, except those rights and duties for which Bulgarian citizenship is required by this Constitution or by another law. Art. 27. (1) Foreigners residing legally in the country shall not be expelled or extradited to another State against their will, except in accordance with the provisions and the procedures established by law. (2) The Republic of Bulgaria shall grant asylum to foreigners persecuted for their opinions or activity in the defence of internationally recognized rights and freedoms. (3) The conditions and procedure for the granting of asylum shall be established by law.
Чл. 26. [...] (2) Чужденците, които пребивават в Република България, имат всички права и задължения по тази Конституция с изключение на правата и задълженията, за които Конституцията и законите изискват българско гражданство. Чл. 27. (1) Чужденците, които пребивават в страната на законно основание, не могат да бъдат изгонвани от нея или предавани на друга държава против тяхната воля, освен при условията и по реда, определени със закон. (2) Република България дава убежище на чужденци, преследвани заради техните убеждения или дейност в защита на международно признати права и свободи. (3) Условията и редът за даване на убежище се уреждат със закон.