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All European bodies, including the FRA, must respect strict procurement rules when contracting economic operators (persons, companies or other legal entities).
FRA buys services and supplies through public procurement procedures, governed by Regulation (EU, Euratom) 2018/1046 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 July 2018 on the financial rules applicable to the general budget of the Union and respecting the basic principles of transparency, equal treatment and widest competition, proportionality and sound financial management.
Calls for tender above €139,000 are published on:
Tenderers must submit their tenders exclusively via the electronic submission system (e-Submission) available through the e-tendering platform. For detailed instructions on how to submit a tender via e-Submission please consult the eSubmission Quick Guide.
For tenders above €15,000 to €139,000 FRA needs to follow a negotiated procedure for low and middle value contracts and consult at least three to five candidates, depending on the value.
FRA low and middle value tenders are advertised on FRA’s website under Negotiated procedures. Interested economic operators (natural or legal persons) are invited to express their interest in response to the publication of the corresponding ex-ante notice.
Contact point:
Send all general enquiries on contracts and procurement to procurement@fra.europa.eu.