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Ethnische Herkunft

    The founding treaties, the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights and secondary EU law all provide for EU citizens’ freedom to move and reside freely in any EU country of their choice. Growing numbers of citizens, and their family members, are making use of this freedom and related rights, such as the right not to be discriminated against based on nationality and the right to vote in certain elections in the host Member State. But making these rights a reality remains a challenge. This report presents an EU-wide, comparative overview of the application of the Free Movement Directive (2004/38/EC) across the 28 Member States based on a review of select case law at national level.
    We live in a world of big data, where technological developments in the area of machine learning and artificial intelligence have changed the way we live. Decisions and processes concerning everyday life are increasingly automated, based on data. This affects fundamental rights in various ways. This focus paper specifically deals with discrimination, a fundamental rights area particularly affected by technological developments.
    Das europäische Antidiskriminierungsrecht verbietet insbesondere nach Maßgabe der Antidiskriminierungsrichtlinien der EU, des Artikels 14 der Europäischen Menschenrechtskonvention sowie des Protokolls Nr. 12 zu dieser Konvention die Diskriminierung in einer ganzen Reihe von Bereichen und aus einer Vielzahl von Gründen. Dieses Handbuch untersucht den europäischen Rechtsrahmen zur Nichtdiskriminierung, der sich auf diese beiden Quellen als einander ergänzende Systeme gründet, auf die unterschiedslos Bezug genommen wird, soweit sie sich überschneiden; zugleich wird gegebenenfalls auf bestehende Unterschiede aufmerksam gemacht.
    Seventeen years after adoption of EU laws that forbid discrimination, immigrants, descendants of immigrants, and minority ethnic groups continue to face widespread discrimination across the EU and in all areas of life – most often when seeking employment. For many, discrimination is a recurring experience. This is just one of the findings of FRA’s second European Union Minorities and Discrimination Survey (EU-MIDIS II), which collected information from over 25,500 respondents with different ethnic minority and immigrant backgrounds across all 28 EU Member States.
    The EU Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) launches its second EU Minorities and Discrimination Survey (EU-MIDIS II).
    This survey involved interviews with 25,515 people with different ethnic minority and immigrant backgrounds across 28 EU countries. It explores issues concerning discrimination as well as experiences of harassment, hate-motivated violence and discriminatory profiling.
    This infographic illustrates the main experiences immigrants and ethnic minorities across the EU have when it comes to discrimination. It draws from the findings from FRA's EU-MIDIS II survey.
    This infographic illustrates the main experiences immigrants and ethnic minorities across the EU have when it comes to victimisation. It draws from the findings from FRA's EU-MIDIS II survey.
    Media content and political discourse in EU Member States, whether online or
    offline, show incitement to discrimination, hatred or violence on different
    grounds, as evidence collected by FRA reveals. The growing reliance on the internet as the main source of
    information for many enables the fast spread of often unverified statements
    that could also incite to hatred.
    Regardless of ethnic origin, religion or belief, everyone living in the Union has a fundamental right to be treated equally, to be respected and to be protected from violence. This contribution paper to the Annual Colloquium
    on Fundamental Rights provides evidence of the fact that such respect is lacking, and suggests ways in which governments can ensure they fulfil their duty to safeguard this right for everyone living in the EU.
    The rights of victims of crime to access justice and to be protected against repeat victimisation may remain illusory in practice if the victim fails to receive professional advice and support. This research by the European Union Agency
    for Fundamental Rights (FRA) examines support service provision for such victims across the 28 EU Member States, in line with the 2012 EU Victims’ Directive. It focuses not on abstract fundamental rights standards but on the final
    practical results.
    This thematic situation report examines the effectiveness of responses by public authorities, civil society organisations and others to counter racism, discrimination, intolerance and extremism in Greece and Hungary. The report goes on to make proposals for fighting racist crime, increasing trust in the police, and combating extremism throughout the EU.
    This 2012 survey provides comparable data from eight countries (Belgium, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Sweden and the UK) on Jewish people’s experiences and perceptions of discrimination, hate-motivated crime and antisemitism. The data explorer also allows the filtering of responses by age, gender and strength of Jewish identity of respondents.
    FRA unterbreitet eine Reihe von Stellungnahmen, die sich auf in Untersuchungen und Berichten gesammelte Beweise stützen, um den Schutzes gegen Diskriminierung zu verbessern.  Diese können bei der Umsetzung und einer möglichen Reform des EU Rechtsrahmens zum Schutz gegen Diskriminierung berücksichtigt werden.
    Die Rolle historischer Stätten und Museen in der Holocaust und Menschenrechtsbildung in der EU.
    Certain people are seen as particularly vulnerable to unequal treatment, because they share a combination of characteristics that may trigger discrimination. A Roma woman sterilised without her informed consent, for example, has suffered discrimination not just because of her sex, as all women do not face this treatment, nor just because she is Roma, as Roma men may not face this treatment. The discriminatory treatment is based specifically on the intersection of her sex and ethnic origin.
    The FRA report 'Inequalities and multiple discrimination in access to and quality of healthcare' examines experiences of unequal treatment on more than one ground in healthcare, providing evidence of discrimination or unfair treatment.
    Ungeachtet intensiver Bemühungen der Mitgliedstaaten der Europäischen Union (EU) ist es bisher nicht gelungen, Diskriminierung und Intoleranz wirksam zu bekämpfen, wie die Forschungsarbeiten der FRA belegen. Durch Vorurteile motivierte Beschimpfungen, körperliche Angriffe und Morde treffen die europäische Gesellschaft in all ihrer Vielfalt – von sichtbaren Minderheiten bis hin zu Menschen mit Behinderungen. Dieser FRA-Bericht soll die EU und ihre Mitgliedstaaten dabei unterstützen, gegen diese Grundrechtsverletzungen vorzugehen. Zu diesem Zweck müssen Hassdelikte verstärkt sichtbar gemacht und die Täterinnen und Täter zur Rechenschaft gezogen werden.

    Der EU-MIDIS "Daten kurz gefasst - 6" legt Daten über die Erfahrungen der Befragten mit krimineller Viktimisierung im Zusammenhang mit fünf unterschiedlichen Arten von Straftaten vor: Diebstahl eines Fahrzeugs oder von Objekten aus einem Fahrzeug, Einbruchdiebstahl oder versuchter Einbruchdiebstahl, Diebstahl persönlichen Eigentums ohne Gewaltanwendung oder Bedrohung, Angriffe oder Bedrohungen, schwere Belästigung. Die Erhebung der Europäischen Union zu Minderheiten und Diskriminierung (European Union Minorities and Discrimination Survey, EU-MIDIS) ist die erste EU-weite Erhebung, in 23 500 ZuwanderInnen und Angehörige ethnischer Minderheiten über ihre Erfahrungen mit Diskriminierung und krimineller Viktimisierung im Alltag befragt wurden.