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Artikolu 41 - Id-dritt għal amministrazzjoni tajba
1. Kull persuna għandha d-dritt li dak kollu li jirrigwardaha jiġi ttrattat b'mod imparzjali u ġust u fi żmien raġonevoli mill-istituzzjonijiet, il-korpi u l-organi ta' l-Unjoni. 2. Dan id-dritt jinkludi: a) id-dritt ta' kull persuna li tinstema', qabel ma tittieħed kwalunkwe miżura individwali li tolqotha negattivament; b) id-dritt ta' kull persuna li jkollha aċċess għall-fajl li jikkonċernaha, filwaqt li jiġu rrispettati l-interessi leġittimi tal-kunfidenzjalità u tas-segretezza professjonali u tan-negozju; ċ) l-obbligu għall-amministrazzjoni li tagħti r-raġunijiet għad-deċiżjonijiet tagħha. 3. Kull persuna għandha d-dritt li l-Unjoni tagħmel tajjeb għal danni kkaġunati mill-istituzzjonijiet jew l-uffiċjali tagħha fil-qadi ta' dmirijiethom, skond il-prinċipji ġenerali komuni għal-liġijiet ta' l-Istati Membri. 4. Kull persuna tista' tikteb lill-istituzzjonijiet ta' l-Unjoni f'waħda mil-lingwi tat-Trattati u għandha tirċievi tweġiba bl-istess lingwa.
Dawn l-ispjegazzjonijiet ġew imħejjija oriġinarjament taħt ir-responsabbiltà tal-Praesidium tal-Konvenzjoni li abbozza l-Karta tad-Drittijiet Fundamentali ta' l-Unjoni Ewropea. Huma ġew aġġornati taħt ir-responsabbiltà tal-Praesidium tal-Konvenzjoni Ewropea, fid-dawl ta' l-aġġustamenti li saru għat-test tal-Karta minn dik il-Konvenzjoni (partikolarment fl-Artikoli (51 U 52) u ta' l-evoluzzjoni fil-liġi ta' l-Unjoni. Għalkemm dawn l-ispjegazzjonijiet m'għandhomx fihom infushom l-istatus ta' liġi, huma mezz siewi ta' interpretazzjoni intiż sabiex ikunu ċċarati d-dispożizzjonijiet tal-Karta.
L-Artikolu 41 huwa bbażat fuq l-eżistenza ta' l-Unjoni bħala komunità bbażata fuq l-istat tad-dritt li l-karatteristiċi tiegħu kienu ġew żviluppati fil-każistika li għamlet, b'mod partikolari, l-amministrazzjoni tajba bħala prinċipju ġenerali tal-liġi (ara, inter alia, is-sentenza tal-Qorti tal-Ġustizzja tal- 31 ta' Marzu 1992, P Burban C-255/90, , Ġabra 1992, I-2253, u s-sentenzi tal-Qorti ta' Prim' Istanza tat- 18 ta' Settembru 1995, Nölle (T-167/94, Ġabra 1995, p. II-2589) u tad- 9 ta' Lulju 1999, New Europe Consulting (T-231/97, u oħrajn, Ġabra 1999, p. II-2403). It-test li jistabbilixxi dak id-dritt fl-ewwel żewġ paragrafi jirriżulta mill-każistika (is-sentenzi tal-Qorti tal-Ġustizzja tal- 15 ta' Ottubru 1987, Heylens (222/86, Ġabra 1987, p. 4097, punt 15), tat- 18 ta' Ottubru 1989, Orkem (374/87 Ġabra 1989, p. 3283) u tal- 21 ta' Novembru 1991, TU München (C-269/90, Ġabra 1991, p. I-5469), u s-sentenzi tal-Qorti ta' Prim' Istanza tas- 6 ta' Diċembru 1994, Lisrestal u oħrajn (T-450/93, Ġabra 1994, p. II-1177) u tat- 18 ta' Settembru 1995, Nölle, fuq imsemmi), u t-test li jirrigwardja l-obbligu li jingħataw raġunijiet ġej mill-Artikolu 296 tat-Trattat dwar il-Funzjonament ta' l-Unjoni Ewropea (ara wkoll il-bażi ġuridika fl-Artikolu 298 tat-Trattat dwar il-Funzjonament ta' l-Unjoni Ewropea għall-adozzjoni ta' atti leġislattivi fl-interessi ta' amministrazzjoni Ewropea li hija miftuħa, effiċjenti u indipendenti).
Il-paragrafu 3 jirriproduċi d-dritt li issa huwa iggarantit bl-Artikolu 340 tat-Trattat dwar il-Funzjonament ta' l-Unjoni Ewropea. Il-paragrafu 4 jirriproduċi d-dritt li issa huwa ggarantit bl-Artikoli 20(2)(d) u bl-Artikolu 25 tat-Trattat dwar il-Funzjonament ta' l-Unjoni Ewropea. Skond l-Artikolu 52(2), dawk id-drittijiet għandhom japplikaw skond il-kondizzjonijiet u fil-limiti definiti fit-Trattati.
Id-dritt għal rimedju effettiv, li huwa aspett importanti ta' din il-kwistjoni, huwa ggarantit fl-Artikolu 47 ta' din il-Karta.
Art. 103 (1) In the courts every person shall be entitled to a hearing in accordance with law.
Art. 103 (1) Vor Gericht hat jedermann Anspruch auf rechtliches Gehör.
Section 17 Right to one's language and culture (...) The right of everyone to use his or her own language, either Finnish or Swedish, before courts of law and other authorities, and to receive official documents in that language, shall be guaranteed by an Act. (...) Provisions on the right of the Sami to use the Sami language before the authorities are laid down by an Act. The rights of persons using sign language and of persons in need of interpretation or translation aid owing to disability shall be guaranteed by an Act. Section 21 Protection under the law Everyone has the right to have his or her case dealt with appropriately and without undue delay by a legally competent court of law or other authority, as well as to have a decision pertaining to his or her rights or obligations reviewed by a court of law or other independent organ for the administration of justice. Provisions concerning the publicity of proceedings, the right to be heard, the right to receive a reasoned decision and the right of appeal, as well as the other guarantees of a fair trial and good governance shall be laid down by an Act.
17 § Oikeus omaan kieleen ja kulttuuriin (...) Jokaisen oikeus käyttää tuomioistuimessa ja muussa viranomaisessa asiassaan omaa kieltään, joko suomea tai ruotsia, sekä saada toimituskirjansa tällä kielellä turvataan lailla. (...) Saamelaisten oikeudesta käyttää saamen kieltä viranomaisessa säädetään lailla. Viittomakieltä käyttävien sekä vammaisuuden vuoksi tulkitsemis- ja käännösapua tarvitsevien oikeudet turvataan lailla. 21 § Oikeusturva Jokaisella on oikeus saada asiansa käsitellyksi asianmukaisesti ja ilman aiheetonta viivytystä lain mukaan toimivaltaisessa tuomioistuimessa tai muussa viranomaisessa sekä oikeus saada oikeuksiaan ja velvollisuuksiaan koskeva päätös tuomioistuimen tai muun riippumattoman lainkäyttöelimen käsiteltäväksi. Käsittelyn julkisuus sekä oikeus tulla kuulluksi, saada perusteltu päätös ja hakea muutosta samoin kuin muut oikeudenmukaisen oikeudenkäynnin ja hyvän hallinnon takeet turvataan lailla.
Article 14. It is the duty of the legislature, the executive, the judiciary, and of local authorities, to guarantee the rights and freedoms provided in the Constitution. Article 44. (…) Pursuant to a procedure provided by law, all government agencies, local authorities, and their officials have a duty to provide information about their activities to any citizen of Estonia at his or her request, except for information whose disclosure is prohibited by law and information intended exclusively for internal use. Pursuant to a procedure provided by law, any citizen of Estonia is entitled to access information about himself or herself held by government agencies and local authorities and in government and local authority archives. This right may be circumscribed pursuant to law to protect the rights and freedoms of others, to protect the confidentiality of a child’s filiation, and in the interests of preventing a criminal offence, apprehending the offender, or of ascertaining the truth in a criminal case. Unless otherwise provided by law, citizens of foreign states and stateless persons in Estonia enjoy the rights specified in paragraphs two and three of this section equally with citizens of Estonia. Article 46. Everyone has the right to address informational letters and petitions to government agencies, local authorities, and their officials. The procedure for responding to such letters and petitions is provided by law.
Article 29 1. Every person has the right individually or jointly with others to address written requests or complaints to any competent public authority and to have them attended to and decided expeditiously; an immediate notice of any such decision taken duly reasoned shall be given to the person making the request or complaint and in any event within a period not exceeding thirty days. 2. Where any interested person is aggrieved by any such decision or where no such decision is notified to such person within the period specified in paragraph 1 of this Article, such person may have recourse to a competent court in the matter of such request or complaint.
ΑΡΘΡΟΝ 29 1. Έκαστος έχει το δικαίωμα ατομικώς ή ομού μετ’ άλλων να υποβάλλη εγγράφους αιτήσεις ή παράπονα προς οιανδήποτε αρμοδίαν δημοσίαν αρχήν δικαιούμενος ν’ απαιτήση, όπως αύτη επιληφθή αυτών και αποφασίση ταχέως. Η απόφασις της αρχής ταύτης, δεόντως ητιολογημένη, γνωστοποιείται εγγράφως αμέσως εις τον υποβαλόντα την αίτησιν ή τα παράπονα εν πάση περιπτώσει ενός προθεσμίας μη υπερβαινούσης τας τριάκοντα ημέρας. 2. Εφ’ όσον ο ενδιαφερόμενος δεν ικανοποιείται εκ της αποφάσεως ή οσάκις ουδεμία απόφασις γνωστοποιήται προς αυτόν εντός της καθοριζομένης εν τη πρώτη παραγράφω του παρόντος άρθρου προθεσμίας δύναται ο ενδιαφερόμενος ν’ αγάγη ενώπιον αρμοδίου δικαστηρίου διά προσφυγής την υπόθεσιν, εις ην αφορά η αίτησις ή το παράπονον αυτού.
Article 46 Everyone shall be entitled to file petitions and complaints and to submit proposals to governmental and other public bodies, and to receive responses thereto.
Article 93 (2)Everyone may lodge a complaint to the Ombudsperson if he/she deems that his/her constitutional or legal rights have been threatened or violated as a result of any illegal or irregular act by governmental bodies and the civil service, local and regional selfgovernmental bodies and bodies vested with public authority.
Article 146 Citizens of the Republic of Croatia shall be European Union citizens and shall enjoy the rights guaranteed by the European Union acquis communautaire, and in particular: (...) – the right to submit petitions to the European Parliament, complaints to the European Ombudsman and the right to apply to European Union institutions and advisory bodies in the Croatian language, as well as in all the other official languages of the European Union, and to receive a reply in the same language. All rights shall be exercised in compliance with the conditions and limitations laid down in the founding treaties of the European Union and the measures undertaken pursuant to such treaties. In the Republic of Croatia, all rights guaranteed by the European Union acquis communautaire shall be enjoyed by all citizens of the European Union.
Članak 46. Svatko ima pravo slati predstavke i pritužbe, davati prijedloge državnim i drugim javnim tijelima i dobiti na njih odgovor.
Članak 93. (2)Svatko može podnijeti pritužbu pučkom pravobranitelju ako smatra da su, uslijed nezakonitog ili nepravilnog rada državnih tijela, tijela lokalne i područne (regionalne) samouprave i tijela s javnim ovlastima, ugrožena ili povrijeđena njegova ustavna ili zakonska prava.
Članak 146. Državljani Republike Hrvatske su građani Europske unije i uživaju prava koja im jamči pravna stečevina Europske unije, a osobito: (...) – pravo podnošenja peticija Europskom parlamentu, predstavki Europskom ombudsmanu te pravo obraćanja institucijama i savjetodavnim tijelima Europske unije na hrvatskom jeziku, kao i na svim službenim jezicima Europske unije, te pravo dobiti odgovor na istom jeziku. Sva prava ostvaruju se u skladu s uvjetima i ograničenjima propisanima ugovorima na kojima se temelji Europska unija te mjerama prihvaćenima na temelju tih ugovora. U Republici Hrvatskoj sva prava zajamčena pravnom stečevinom Europske unije uživaju svi građani Europske unije.
Art. 7. The State shall be held liable for any damages caused by unlawful acts or actions on the part of its agencies and officials.
Чл. 7. Държавата отговаря за вреди, причинени от незаконни актове или действия на нейни органи и длъжностни лица.
Artikel 18 (1) Die gesamte staatliche Verwaltung darf nur auf Grund der Gesetze ausgeübt werden. Artikel 23 (1) Der Bund, die Länder, die Gemeinden und die sonstigen Körperschaften und Anstalten des öffentlichen Rechts haften für den Schaden, den die als ihre Organe handelnden Personen in Vollziehung der Gesetze durch ein rechtswidriges Verhalten wem immer schuldhaft zugefügt haben.
Article 18 (1) The entire public administration shall be based on law. Article 23 (1) The Federation, the Laender, the districts, the municipalities and the other bodies and institutions established under public law are liable for the injury which persons acting on their behalf in execution of the laws have by illegal behaviour culpably inflicted on whomsoever.