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Artículo 39 - Derecho de sufragio activo y pasivo en las elecciones al Parlamento Europeo
1. Todo ciudadano de la Unión tiene derecho de sufragio activo y pasivo en las elecciones al Parlamento Europeo en el Estado miembro en que resida, en las mismas condiciones que los nacionales de dicho Estado. 2. Los diputados al Parlamento Europeo serán elegidos por sufragio universal libre, directo y secreto.
El artículo 39 se aplica en las condiciones establecidas en los Tratados, de conformidad con lo dispuesto en el apartado 2 del artículo 52 de la Carta. En efecto, el apartado 1 del artículo 39 corresponde al derecho garantizado en el apartado 2 del artículo 20 del Tratado de Funcionamiento de la Unión Europea (cf. asimismo la base jurídica contemplada en el artículo 22 para la adopción de las modalidades de ejercicio de este derecho) y el apartado 2 del artículo 39 corresponde al apartado 3 del artículo 14 del Tratado de la Unión Europea. El apartado 2 del artículo 39 enuncia los principios básicos del régimen electoral de un sistema democrático.
Article 9. (…) the law can confer the exercise of political rights on non-Luxembourgers. Article 51.(4) The election is direct. Article 51.(5) The Deputies are elected on the basis of universal suffrage pure and simple, on [a party] list ballot, following the rules of proportional representation, conforming to the principle of the smallest electoral quotient and following the rules to be determined by the law. Article 52. To be an elector, it is necessary: 1. to be a Luxembourger [masculine] or Luxembourger [feminine]; 2. to enjoy civil and political rights; 3. to have completed 18 years of age; To these three qualities shall be added those determined by the law. No tax condition may be required. To be eligible, it is necessary: 1. to be a Luxembourger [masculine] or Luxembourger [feminine]; 2. to enjoy civil and political rights; 3. to have completed 18 years of age; 4. to be domiciled in the Grand Duchy. No other condition of eligibility may be imposed.
Article 33. Citizens shall have the right to participate in the government of the State both directly and through their democratically elected representatives, as well as the right to enter into the State service of the Republic of Lithuania under equal conditions. Article 34. Citizens who, on the day of the election, have reached 18 years of age, shall have the electoral right. The right to be elected shall be established by the Constitution of the Republic of Lithuania and by the election laws. Citizens who are recognised as incapable by a court shall not participate in elections.
33 straipsnis. Piliečiai turi teisę dalyvauti valdant savo šalį tiek tiesiogiai, tiek per demokratiškai išrinktus atstovus, taip pat teisę lygiomis sąlygomis stoti į Lietuvos Respublikos valstybinę tarnybą. 34 straipsnis. Piliečiai, kuriems rinkimų dieną yra sukakę 18 metų, turi rinkimų teisę. Teisę būti išrinktam nustato Lietuvos Respublikos Konstitucija ir rinkimų įstatymai. Rinkimuose nedalyvauja piliečiai, kurie teismo pripažinti neveiksniais.
101. (..) Local governments shall be elected by Latvian citizens and citizens of the European Union who permanently reside in Latvia. Every citizen of the European Union who permanently resides in Latvia has the right, as provided by law, to participate in the work of local governments. (..)
101. (..) Pašvaldības ievēlē pilntiesīgi Latvijas pilsoņi un Eiropas Savienības pilsoņi, kas pastāvīgi uzturas Latvijā. Ikvienam Eiropas Savienības pilsonim, kas pastāvīgi uzturas Latvijā, ir tiesības likumā paredzētajā veidā piedalīties pašvaldību darbībā. (..)
Section 1This Law shall prescribe the procedures by which elections to the European Parliament shall take place in the Republic of Latvia. Section 2(1) In the Republic of Latvia the following shall have the right to elect the European Parliament:1) a Latvian citizen; and2) a citizen of the European Union who is not a Latvian citizen, but who resides in the Republic of Latvia.(2) A person who on polling day has reached 18 years of age has the right to vote if information regarding this person has been entered in the electoral register in Latvia and none of the restrictions referred to in Section 3 of this Law applies to such person.Section 3In the Republic of Latvia the following persons do not have the right to elect the European Parliament:1) persons who according to the procedures prescribed by law are recognised as lacking the capacity to act;2) persons who are serving sentences in places of deprivation of liberty; and3) persons who do not have the right to vote in the Member State of the European Union of which they are citizens.
Art. 48. Any citizen, male or female, who has attained majority, is entitled to vote. The vote is personal and equal, free and secret. The exercise thereof is a civic duty. The law lays down the requirements and modalities for citizens residing abroad to exercise their right to vote and guarantees that this right is effective. A constituency of Italians abroad shall be established for elections to the Houses of Parliament; the number of seats of such constituency is set forth in a constitutional provision according to criteria established by law. The right to vote cannot be restricted except for civil incapacity or as a consequence of an irrevocable penal sentence or in cases of moral unworthiness as laid down by law. Art. 56. The Chamber of deputies is elected by direct and universal suffrage. (...)Art. 58. Senators are elected by universal and direct ballot by voters who are twenty-five years of age. (...)
to contribute to the support of the infirm, the
Pursuant to the Constitution of the Republic of Hungary, suffrage is universal and equal; voting is direct and secret. To ensure that the exercise of the right to vote, the process of elections, referendums and popular initiatives shall be democratic and based on proper guarantees, the Parliament shall make the following law: (...)
XXIII. cikk (SZABADSÁG ÉS FELELŐSSÉG) (1) Minden nagykorú magyar állampolgárnak joga van ahhoz, hogy az országgyűlési képviselők, a helyi önkormányzati képviselők és polgármesterek, valamint az európai parlamenti képviselők választásán választó és választható legyen. (2) Az Európai Unió más tagállamának magyarországi lakóhellyel rendelkező minden nagykorú állampolgárának joga van ahhoz, hogy a helyi önkormányzati képviselők és polgármesterek, valamint az európai parlamenti képviselők választásán választó és választható legyen. […] (6) Nem rendelkezik választójoggal az, akit bűncselekmény elkövetése vagy belátási képességének korlátozottsága miatt a bíróság a választójogból kizárt. Nem választható az Európai Unió más tagállamának magyarországi lakóhellyel rendelkező állampolgára, ha az állampolgársága szerinti állam jogszabálya, bírósági vagy hatósági döntése alapján hazájában kizárták e jog gyakorlásából.
Article XXIII (Freedom and Responsibility) (1) Every adult Hungarian citizen shall have the right to vote and to be voted for in elections of Members of the National Assembly, of local government representatives and mayors and of Members of the European Parliament. (2) Every adult citizen of another Member State of the European Union with residence in Hungary shall have the right to vote and to be voted for in elections of local government representatives and mayors and of Members of the European Parliament. […] (6) Those disenfranchised by a court for a criminal offence or limited mental capacity shall not have the right to vote and to be voted for. Citizens of another Member State of the European Union with residence in Hungary shall not have the right to be voted for if they have been excluded from the exercise of this right in their country pursuant to the law, a court decision or an authority decision of their State of citizenship.
Article 51(3). The Members of Parliament shall be elected through direct, universal and secret ballot by the citizens who have the right to vote, as specified by law. The law cannot abridge the right to vote except in cases where a minimum age has not been attained or in cases of legal incapacity or as a result of irrevocable criminal conviction for certain felonies. [...] (5). The exercise of the right to vote is compulsory [...]
Το Σύνταγμα της Ελλάδας, Άρθρο 51 (3) Oι βoυλευτές εκλέγoνται με άμεση, καθoλική και μυστική ψηφoφoρία από τoυς πoλίτες πoυ έχoυν εκλoγικό δικαίωμα, όπως νόμoς oρίζει. O νόμoς δεν μπoρεί να περιoρίσει τo εκλoγικό δικαίωμα παρά μόνo αν δεν έχει συμπληρωθεί κατώτατo όριo ηλικίας ή για ανικανότητα δικαιoπραξίας ή ως συνέπεια αμετάκλητης πoινικής καταδίκης για oρισμένα εγκλήματα.[...] (5) Η άσκηση του εκλογικού δικαιώματος είναι υποχρεωτική.
Article 38 (2) Any person who has attained the age of eighteen shall be entitled to vote; any person who has attained the age of majority may be elected.
Artikel 38 (2) Wahlberechtigt ist, wer das achtzehnte Lebensjahr vollendet hat; wählbar ist, wer das Alter erreicht hat, mit dem die Volljährigkeit eintritt.
Section 14 Electoral and participatory rights (...) Every Finnish citizen and every other citizen of the European Union resident in Finland, having attained eighteen years of age, has the right to vote in the European Parliamentary elections, as provided by an Act.
Section 2 — Right to voteIn parliamentary elections, the Presidential election and European Parliamentary elections, every Finnish citizen is entitled to vote provided the person has reached the age of 18 not later than on the day of the election. In the Presidential election, the voting age must be reached not later than on the day of the first round of the Presidential election.In European Parliamentary elections, a citizen of another European Union Member State is also entitled to vote provided the person has reached the age of 18 not later than on the day of the election and whose municipality of residence referred to in the Municipality of Residence Act (201/1994) is in Finland provided the person has not lost the right to vote in European elections in the country of which he/she is a citizen (home state).Provisions regarding the right to vote in municipal electionsare laid down in the Constitution and the Municipalities Act.Voting by proxy is not allowed.
14 § Vaali- ja osallistumisoikeudet (...) Jokaisella Suomen kansalaisella ja maassa asuvalla muulla Euroopan unionin kansalaisella, joka on täyttänyt kahdeksantoista vuotta, on oikeus äänestää Euroopan parlamentin vaaleissa sen mukaan kuin lailla säädetään.
§ 4. Hääletamis- ja kandideerimisõigus (1) Hääletamisõigus on Eesti kodanikul, kes on valimiste päevaks saanud 18-aastaseks. (2) Hääletamisõigus on Eesti kodakondsust mitteomaval Euroopa Liidu kodanikul (edaspidi Euroopa Liidu kodanik): 1) kes on valimispäevaks saanud 18-aastaseks; 2) kelle püsiv elukoht on Eestis, see tähendab tema elukoha aadressiandmed on kantud Eesti Rahvastikuregistrisse (edaspidi rahvastikuregister); 3) kellelt tema päritoluriigis ei ole hääletamisõigust ära võetud. (3) Hääleõiguslik ei ole isik, kes on: 1) valimisõiguse osas teovõimetuks tunnistatud; 2) kohtu poolt süüdi mõistetud kuriteos ja kannab vanglakaristust. (4) Kandideerimisõigus on Eesti kodanikul, kes on valimispäeval vähemalt 21-aastane. (5) Kandideerimisõigus on Euroopa Liidu kodanikul: 1) kes on valimispäeval vähemalt 21-aastane; 2) kelle püsiv elukoht on Eestis, see tähendab tema elukoha aadressiandmed on kantud rahvastikuregistrisse; 3) kellelt tema päritoluriigis ei ole kandideerimisõigust ära võetud. (6) Euroopa Parlamendi liikmeks ei või kandideerida: 1) isik, kes on valimisõiguse osas teovõimetuks tunnistatud; 2) isik, kes on kohtu poolt süüdi mõistetud kuriteos ja kannab vanglakaristust; 3) tegevväelane. (7) Isik võib samadel Euroopa Parlamendi valimistel hääletada ja kandideerida ainult ühes Euroopa Liidu liikmesriigis.
§ 4. Right to vote and stand as candidate. (1) Estonian citizens who have attained 18 years of age by election day shall have the right to vote. (2) A citizen of the European Union who is not an Estonian national (hereinafter citizen of the European Union) shall have the right to vote if: 1) he or she has attained 18 years of age by election day; 2) his or her permanent residence is in Estonia, i.e. the address details of his or her residence have been entered in the Estonian population register (hereinafter population register); 3) he or she has not been deprived of the right to vote in his or her home Member State. (3) A person shall not have the right to vote if: 1) he or she is divested of the active legal capacity with regard to the right to vote; 2) he or she has been convicted of a crime by a court and is serving sentence in a penal institution. (4) Estonian citizens who have attained 21 years of age by election day shall have the right to stand as candidates. (5) A citizen of the European Union shall have the right to stand as a candidate if: 1) he or she has attained at least 21 years of age by election day; 2) his or her permanent residence is in Estonia, i.e. the address details of his or her residence have been entered in the population register; 3) he or she has not been deprived of the right to stand as a candidate in his or her home Member State. (6) The following persons shall not stand as candidates for the European Parliament: 1) a person who has been divested of his or her active legal capacity with regard to the right to vote; 2) a person who has been convicted of a crime by a court and is serving sentence in a penal institution; 3) a person in active service in the Defence Forces. (7) A person may vote or stand as a candidate only in one Member State of the European Union in the same elections to the European Parliament.