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8. pants - Personas datu aizsardzība
1. Ikvienai personai ir tiesības uz savu personas datu aizsardzību.
2. Šādi dati ir jāapstrādā godprātīgi, noteiktiem mērķiem un ar attiecīgās personas piekrišanu vai ar citu likumīgu pamatojumu, kas paredzēts tiesību aktos. Ikvienam ir pieejas tiesības datiem, kas par viņu savākti, un tiesības ieviest labojumus šajos datos.
3. Atbilstību šiem noteikumiem kontrolē neatkarīga iestāde.
Šis pants ir balstīts uz Eiropas Kopienas dibināšanas līguma 286. pantu un Eiropas Parlamenta un Padomes Direktīvu 95/46/EK par personu aizsardzību attiecībā uz personas datu apstrādi un šādu datu brīvu apriti (OV L 281, 23.11.1995., 31. lpp.), kā arī uz ECK 8. pantu un 1981. gada 28. janvāra Konvenciju par personu aizsardzību attiecībā uz personas datu automātisku apstrādi, ko ratificējušas visas dalībvalstis. EK līguma 286. pants tagad ir aizstāts ar Līguma par Eiropas Savienības darbību 16. pantu un Līguma par Eiropas Savienību 39. pantu. Tā pamatā ir arī Eiropas Parlamenta un Padomes Regula (EK) Nr. 45/2001 par fizisku personu aizsardzību attiecībā uz personas datu apstrādi Kopienas iestādēs un struktūrās un par šādu datu brīvu apriti (OV L 8, 12.1.2001., 1. lpp.). Iepriekšminētajā direktīvā un regulā ietverti nosacījumi un ierobežojumi, kas attiecas uz personas datu aizsardzības tiesību īstenošanu.
Section 1(1) This Act regulatesa) protection of personal data of natural persons in the course of their processing, b) principles of personal data processing, c) security of personal data, d) protection of the rights of data subjects, e) transborder personal data flow, f) registration and keeping of records of filing systems, g) establishment, status and scope of powers of the Office for Personal Data Protection of the Slovak Republic (hereinafter the “Office”) (...)
Article 19 (...) (3) Everyone has the right to protection against unauthorized collection, publication, or other misuse of personal data.
Čl. 19 (...) (3) Každý má právo na ochranu pred neoprávneným zhromažďovaním, zverejňovaním alebo iným zneužívaním údajov o svojej osobe.
Article 1: Purpose (1) The purpose of this law is to guarantee and protect the individual’s fundamental rights and freedoms, especially the right to personal, family and private life, with regard to the processing of personal data.
Article 4: (1) The confidentiality of communications and the related traffic data by means of public electronic communications networks and publicly available electronic communications services is guaranteed. (2) Listening, tapping, storage or other kinds of interception or surveillance of communications and the related traffic data are prohibited, except for the following cases: a) these operations are carried out by the users who participate in that communication; b) the users who participate in that communication have previously given their written consent; c) these operations are carried out by the competent authorities, under the conditions set out by the legal provisions in force.
Articolul 4: (1) Confidenţialitatea comunicărilor transmise prin intermediul reţelelor publice de comunicaţii electronice şi a serviciilor de comunicaţii electronice destinate publicului, precum şi confidenţialitatea datelor de trafic aferente sunt garantate.(2) Ascultarea, înregistrarea, stocarea şi orice altă formă de interceptare ori supraveghere a comunicărilor şi a datelor de trafic aferente sunt interzise, cu excepţia cazurilor următoare:a) se realizează de utilizatorii care participă la comunicarea respectivă;b) utilizatorii care participă la comunicarea respectivă şi-au dat, în prealabil, consimţământul scris cu privire la efectuarea acestor operaţiuni;c) se realizează de autorităţile competente, în condiţiile legii.
Articolul 1: (1) Prezenta lege are ca scop garantarea şi protejarea drepturilor şi libertăţilor fundamentale ale persoanelor fizice, în special a dreptului la viaţa intima, familială şi privată, cu privire la prelucrarea datelor cu caracter personal.
Artigo 35.º (Utilização da informática) 1. Todos os cidadãos têm o direito de acesso aos dados informatizados que lhes digam respeito, podendo exigir a sua rectificação e actualização, e o direito de conhecer a finalidade a que se destinam, nos termos da lei. 2. A lei define o conceito de dados pessoais, bem como as condições aplicáveis ao seu tratamento automatizado, conexão, transmissão e utilização, e garante a sua protecção, designadamente através de entidade administrativa independente. 3. A informática não pode ser utilizada para tratamento de dados referentes a convicções filosóficas ou políticas, filiação partidária ou sindical, fé religiosa, vida privada e origem étnica, salvo mediante consentimento expresso do titular, autorização prevista por lei com garantias de não discriminação ou para processamento de dados estatísticos não individualmente identificáveis. 4. É proibido o acesso a dados pessoais de terceiros, salvo em casos excepcionais previstos na lei. 5. É proibida a atribuição de um número nacional único aos cidadãos. 6. A todos é garantido livre acesso às redes informáticas de uso público, definindo a lei o regime aplicável aos fluxos de dados transfronteiras e as formas adequadas de protecção de dados pessoais e de outros cuja salvaguarda se justifique por razões de interesse nacional. 7. Os dados pessoais constantes de ficheiros manuais gozam de protecção idêntica à prevista nos números anteriores, nos termos da lei.
Article 35 (Use of information technology) (1) All citizens have the right of access to any computerised data relating to them and the right to be informed of the use for which the data is intended, under the law; they are entitled to require that the contents of the files and records be corrected and brought up to date.(2) The law shall determine what is personal data as well as the conditions applicable to automatic processing, connection, transmission and use thereof, and shall guarantee its protection by means of an independent administrative body. (3) Computerised storage shall not be used for information concerning a person's ideological or political convictions, party or trade union affiliations, religious beliefs, private life or ethnic origin, except where there is express consent from the data subject, authorisation provided for under the law with guarantees of non-discrimination or, in the case of data, for statistical purposes, that does not identify individuals. (4) Access to personal data of third parties is prohibited, except in exceptional cases as prescribed by law. (5) Citizens shall not be given an all-purpose national identity number. (6) Everyone shall be guaranteed free access to public information networks and the law shall define the regulations applicable to the transnational data flows and the adequate norms of protection for personal data and for data that should be safeguarded in the national interest. (7) Personal data kept on manual files shall benefit from protection identical to that provided for in the above Articles, in accordance with the law.
Article 1 1. Any person has a right to have his/her personal data protected. 2. The processing of personal data can be carried out in the public interest, the interest of the data subject, or the interest of any third party, within the scope and subject to the procedure provided for by the Act.
Article 47 Everyone shall have the right to legal protection of his private life and family life, of his honour and good reputation and to make decisions about his personal life. Article 51 1. No one may be obliged, except on the basis of statute, to disclose information concerning his person. 2. Public authorities shall not acquire, collect or make accessible information on citizens other than that which is necessary in a democratic state ruled by law. 3. Everyone shall have a right of access to official documents and data collections concerning him. Limitations upon such rights may be established by statute. 4. Everyone shall have the right to demand the correction or deletion of untrue or incomplete information, or information acquired by means contrary to statute. 5. Principles and procedures for collection of and access to information shall be specified by statute.
Art. 47 Każdy ma prawo do ochrony prawnej życia prywatnego, rodzinnego, czci i dobrego imienia oraz do decydowania o swoim życiu osobistym. Art. 51.1. Nikt nie może być obowiązany inaczej niż na podstawie ustawy do ujawniania informacji dotyczących jego osoby. 2. Władze publiczne nie mogą pozyskiwać, gromadzić i udostępniać innych informacji o obywatelach niż niezbędne w demokratycznym państwie prawnym. 3. Każdy ma prawo dostępu do dotyczących go urzędowych dokumentów i zbiorów danych. Ograniczenie tego prawa może określić ustawa. 4. Każdy ma prawo do żądania sprostowania oraz usunięcia informacji nieprawdziwych, niepełnych lub zebranych w sposób sprzeczny z ustawą. 5. Zasady i tryb gromadzenia oraz udostępniania informacji określa ustawa.
Rozdział 1 1. Każdy ma prawo do ochrony dotyczących go danych osobowych.2. Przetwarzanie danych osobowych może mieć miejsce ze względu na dobro publiczne, dobro osoby, której dane dotyczą, lub dobro osób trzecich w zakresie i trybie określonym ustawą.
3. The provisions of this Act shall apply to the processing of personal data, wholly or partly, by automated means and to such processing other than by automated means where such personal data forms part of a filing system or is intended to form part of a filing system..
The GDPR will replace the Luxembourg Law of 2 August 2002 on the protection of persons with regard to the processing of personal data (the “2002 Law”) and will be directly effective in Luxembourg as from 25 May 2018.
Article 22. Private life shall be inviolable. Personal correspondence, telephone conversations, telegraph messages, and other communications shall be inviolable. Information concerning the private life of a person may be collected only upon a justified court decision and only according to the law. The law and courts shall protect everyone from arbitrary or unlawful interference with his private and family life, as well as from encroachment upon his honour and dignity.
22 straipsnis. Žmogaus privatus gyvenimas neliečiamas. Asmens susirašinėjimas, pokalbiai telefonu, telegrafo pranešimai ir kitoks susižinojimas neliečiami. Informacija apie privatų asmens gyvenimą gali būti renkama tik motyvuotu teismo sprendimu ir tik pagal įstatymą. Įstatymas ir teismas saugo, kad niekas nepatirtų savavališko ar neteisėto kišimosi į jo asmeninį ir šeimyninį gyvenimą, kėsinimosi į jo garbę ir orumą.