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Displaying 1 - 20 of 1656
  • Report / Paper / Summary
  • Report / Paper / Summary
  • The EU Agency for Fundamental Rights regularly collects data on the operations of NGO vessels involved in search and rescue in the Mediterranean. This includes any legal proceedings against them, as well as any difficulties in disembarking migrants in safe ports. This paper provides an overview of criminal investigations and other legal proceedings initiated by European Union (EU) Member States against civil society organisations deploying search and rescue vessels and aircraft in the Mediterranean and/or against individual crew members. The latest update covers the period from 2018 up until the end of May 2024.
  • The third iteration of the EU LGBTIQ Survey of the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA), was conducted in 2023. It presents the experiences of LGBTIQ people across the EU 27 Member States, and the candidate countries Albania, North Macedonia and Serbia, on the extent to which they enjoy fundamental rights. It provides policymakers with a solid empirical basis for evidence-based policies to ensure respect and protection for and fulfilment of the fundamental rights of LGBTIQ people. This interactive data explorer shows data from the survey for over 150 questions and contains multiple options for filtering, exporting and sharing the data.
  • Miha Creative/Adobe Stock
    Data protection rules protect privacy and prevent personal information from misuse. When the general data protection regulation (GDPR) came into force in 2018, it strengthened the role of data protection authorities. These supervisory bodies are the key enforcers of the fundamental right of protection of personal data. This report analyses the challenges they face in the GDPR implementation. The findings complement the European Commission's forthcoming evaluation of the GDPR.
  • Ahead of the EU elections, this report explores the political participation of people with disabilities. Although some Member States removed restrictions on the right to vote and to stand for elections, barriers still exist. This report is an update of new developments following FRA’s last report published in 2014. It sets out ways forward to ensure people with disabilities have equal opportunities, in line with the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights and the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.
  • Country sheets
  • FRA in close cooperation with the European Commission and the Academic Network of European Disability Experts (ANED), developed 28 human rights indicators to assess the political participation of persons with disabilities in the EU.
  • FRA,2024 / J.M. Image Factory/Adobe Stock
    Report / Paper / Summary
    Tackling greenwashing is an issue where human rights, consumer rights and climate goals align. Companies use greenwashing to convince people to buy products that are not always as environmentally friendly as they claim to be. They mislead consumers and harm the environment. This report shows how a human rights approach can combat greenwashing. It is based on consultations with experts in 10 Member States. The report identifies gaps in existing laws and enforcement. It includes case studies of consumers seeking remedies for misleading environmental claims.
    The EU and Member States should enforce rules that make it harder for companies to make misleading environmental claims. They should strengthen rules that make it easier for consumers to prove that companies are greenwashing. Consumer and environmental organisations already hold governments and business to account. Governments should make it easier to use collective action for the protection of consumer rights and the environment.
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    Since the publication of its 2020 report 'Strong and effective national human rights institutions – challenges, promising practices and opportunities', the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) has been regularly tracking the accreditation status and the mandates of the NHRIs. This December 2023 Update develops the annual update further and covers not only the accreditation status and the mandates, but also additional aspects, namely the role of NHRIs in the context of EU funds and the use of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights.
  • Report / Paper / Summary
  • Children’s rights exist to ensure the safety and wellbeing of every child. Improved child protection systems ensure that these rights are met. In recent years, the EU has taken significant steps to improve child protection systems. This mapping of child protection systems gives an overview of the state of such systems at national level and developments since 2015. It promotes the improvement of integrated child protection systems. It is an update of FRA’s mapping of child protection systems in 2015, based on data collected in 2023 in the 27 EU Member States. By publishing this, FRA aims to support securing the sustainable well-being, safety and rights of all children living in the EU.
  • MDX Dataset
    The data cover the key components of national child protection systems. This includes information on national law and policies, as well as the structures, actors, resources, functions and monitoring of national child protection systems.
  • Report / Paper / Summary
  • 19
    All EU funds must be spent in a way that respect fundamental rights. The EU spends billions of euros on creating jobs, economic growth, sustainable development and improving people’s lives. To prevent funds from being spent in ways that directly violate people’s fundamental rights, the EU strengthened the conditions how funds can be spent in 2021. This report looks at how the newly introduced conditions related to the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights and the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities can be upheld in practice. It analyses the potential role of national human rights institutions, ombudsperson institutions and equality bodies. These safeguards can advance compliance with fundamental rights.
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    People fleeing from Ukraine received protection in EU law under the Temporary Protection Directive. Local authorities took the lead in ensuring access to fundamental rights under temporary protection. This report explores the measures to ensure access to housing, education, employment and healthcare in 26 cities and regional authorities across 12 EU Member States. Unprecedented coordination helped overcome challenges, but many uncertainties remain and long-term solutions may be needed. Based on the information collected, this report identifies 12 priority actions, building on FRA’s previous reports concerning people displaced from Ukraine.
  • Periodic updates / Series
  • Report / Paper / Summary
    Fundamental rights are an important consideration in European border management. Virtually all activities can have an impact on rights – from risk analysis to training, border checks and border surveillance. Safeguards in laws regulating European border management aim to protect rights. This report is a contribution to the first review of the European Border and Coast Guard Regulation (EU) 2019/1896 that offers an opportunity to reflect on how best to improve the fundamental rights situation at the external borders of the EU.
  • 22
    FRA publishes annual updates on the forced return monitoring systems that EU Member States have set up under Article 8 (6) of the EU’s Return Directive (2008/115/EC). This latest update covers the period until the end of 2022.