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    Hate crime is the most severe expression of discrimination, and a core fundamental rights abuse. Various initiatives target such crime, but most hate crime across the EU remains unreported and unprosecuted, leaving victims without redress. To counter this trend, it is essential for Member States to improve access to justice for victims. Drawing on interviews with representatives from criminal courts, public prosecutors’ offices, the police, and NGOs involved in supporting hate crime victims, this report sheds light on the diverse hurdles that impede victims’ access to justice and the proper recording of hate crime.
    This Compendium of practices for combating hate crime was developed as part of the mandate of the Working Group on hate crime recording, data collection and encouraging reporting.
    Children with disabilities face significant barriers to enjoying their fundamental rights. They are often excluded from society, sometimes living in facilities far from their families. They are also denied access to basic services, such as health care and education, and endure stigma and discrimination, as well as sexual, physical and psychological violence. FRA scrutinised the important but underreported issue of violence against children with disabilities, carrying out desk research and conducting interviews with knowledgeable stakeholders. This report presents the results of that research.
    Antisemitism can be expressed in the form of verbal and physical attacks, threats, harassment, property damage, graffiti or other forms of text, including on the internet. This report relates to manifestations of antisemitism as they are recorded by official and unofficial sources in the 28 European Union (EU) Member States.
    Regardless of ethnic origin, religion or belief, everyone living in the Union has a fundamental right to be treated equally, to be respected and to be protected from violence. This contribution paper to the Annual Colloquium
    on Fundamental Rights provides evidence of the fact that such respect is lacking, and suggests ways in which governments can ensure they fulfil their duty to safeguard this right for everyone living in the EU.
    Im Jahr 2014 stellten die Mitgliedstaaten und Institutionen der Europäische Union (EU) eine Reihe von rechtlichen und politischen
    Maßnahmen vor, um die Grundrechte in der EU zu gewährleisten. Trotz dieser Bemühungen bleibt immer noch viel
    zu tun. In einigen Bereichen ist die Situation beunruhigend: die Zahl der MigrantInnen, die gerettet oder auf See festgenommen
    wurden, als sie die Grenzen der EU versuchten zu erreichen, vervierfachte sich seit 2013; mehr als ein Viertel der Kinder
    in der EU sind von Armut oder sozialer Ausgrenzung bedroht; immer mehr politische Parteien verwenden fremdenfeindliche
    und gegen MigrantInnen gerichtete Rhetorik in ihren Kampagnen, was dazu führen kann, dass mehr Personen anfälliger
    werden, Opfer von Straftaten oder Hassverbrechen zu werden.
    EU Member States continued their efforts to improve Roma integration by implementing their national Roma integration strategies following the Council Recommendation of December 2013 on effective Roma integration measures. FRA supports these efforts by regularly collecting data and working with the Member States to develop monitoring methods that allow for efficient reporting on the situation of Roma in the Member States over time.
    Barriers persist in implementing effectively European Union (EU) legislation that prohibits and penalises manifestations of racism, xenophobia and ethnic discrimination. The sixth year of the economic crisis and turbulent developments in the Middle East and North Africa are raising concerns and considerations for migration and integration policies in the EU.
    Trans* Personen, deren Geschlechtsidentität oder Ausdrucksformen des Geschlechts von dem bei der Geburt zugewiesenen Geschlecht abweichen, sind heute in der Europäischen Union (EU) häufig Diskriminierung, Belästigung und Gewalt ausgesetzt. Diese Realität löst Ängste aus, die viele von ihnen veranlassen, ihr eigentliches Selbst zu verstecken oder zu verschleiern. Dieser Bericht untersucht die Fragen Gleichbehandlung und Diskriminierung aus zwei Perspektiven, nämlich sexuelle Orientierung und Geschlechtsidentität.
    Developments in equality and non-discrimination in 2014 were marked by the EU’s efforts to become more inclusive. Working actively to counter discrimination in all its forms and to foster equal treatment requires sustained efforts by all interested parties, so EU institutions worked closely with Member States and FRA to raise awareness on issues of discrimination, including on grounds of sexual orientation and gender identity, or to encourage recourse to redress mechanisms.
    This paper discusses the difficulties faced by people with disabilities who become victims of hate crime, and the different legal frameworks in place to protect such victims in the EU’s Member States. It ends by listing a number of suggestions for improving the situation at both the legislative and policy levels.
    Trans persons, or those whose gender identity and/or gender expression differs from the sex assigned them at birth, face frequent discrimination, harassment and violence across the European Union (EU) today. This reality triggers fears that persuade many to hide or disguise their true selves. This report examines issues of equal treatment and discrimination on two grounds, namely sexual orientation and gender identity. It analyses data on the experiences of 6,579 trans respondents from the EU Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) survey, the largest body of empirical evidence of its kind to date.
    In light of a lack of comparable data on the respect, protection and fulfilment of the fundamental rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) persons, FRA launched in 2012 its European Union (EU) online survey of LGBT persons’ experiences of discrimination, violence and harassment.
    Antisemitism can be expressed in the form of verbal and physical attacks, threats, harassment, property damage, graffiti or other forms of text, including hate speech on the internet.
    Die Europäische Union (EU) und ihre Mitgliedstaaten haben 2013 eine Vielzahl wichtiger Schritte zum Schutz und zur Förderung der Grundrechte gesetzt, indem sie neue internationale Verpflichtungen eingegangen sind, Rechtsvorschriften überarbeitet und innovative politische Strategien vor Ort verfolgt haben. Dennoch gerieten Grundrechtsverletzungen mit besorgniserregender Häufigkeit in die Schlagzeilen: Flüchtlinge, die vor den Küsten Europas ertranken, beispiellose Massenüberwachung, rassistisch und extremistisch motivierte Morde, Kinderarmut und Benachteiligung der Roma.
    This year’s FRA annual report looks at fundamental rights-related developments in asylum, immigration and integration; border control and visa policy; information society, respect for private life and data protection; the rights of the child and the protection of children; equality and non-discrimination; racism, xenophobia and related intolerance; access to justice and judicial cooperation; rights of crime victims; EU Member States and international obligations.
    Report / Paper / Summary
    The Fundamental Rights Conference 2013 was organised by the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) in cooperation with the Lithuanian Presidency of the Council of the EU. The focus of the conference was on the issue of ‘Combating hate crime in the EU’.
    This thematic situation report examines the effectiveness of responses by public authorities, civil society organisations and others to counter racism, discrimination, intolerance and extremism in Greece and Hungary. The report goes on to make proposals for fighting racist crime, increasing trust in the police, and combating extremism throughout the EU.
    Im Rahmen dieser Erhebung der FRA wurden erstmals
    in einer Reihe von Mitgliedstaaten – Belgien, Deutschland, Frankreich, Italien, Lettland, Schweden, Ungarn und
    Vereinigtes Königreich – vergleichbare Daten über die Erfahrungen und Wahrnehmungen der jüdischen Bevölkerung
    im Zusammenhang mit Antisemitismus, Hasskriminalität und Diskriminierung zusammengetragen. Ihre Ergebnisse
    belegen eine beunruhigend starke Diskriminierung, insbesondere in den Bereichen Beschäftigung und Bildung,
    eine weitverbreitete Furcht vor Viktimisierung und eine zunehmende Besorgnis angesichts des Antisemitismus im
    Beleidigungen, Diskriminierung, Belästigungen und sogar körperlicher Gewalt bleiben für Juden in der Europäischen Union (EU) Bestandteil ihres Alltags. Trotz gemeinsamer Bestrebungen der EU und ihrer Mitgliedstaaten gehören diese Probleme immer noch nicht der Vergangenheit an. Viele wichtige Rechte werden zwar gesetzlich garantiert, doch weit verbreitete und auch hartnäckige Vorurteile hindern Juden weiterhin daran, diese Rechte auch tatsächlich wahrnehmen zu können.