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  • Event
    The next Fundamental Rights Forum will take place in Vienna on 11 and 12 March 2024. It will unite policymakers, thought leaders, human rights defenders, corporate executives, artists, and other influential figures with a simple goal: to embrace human rights for Europe’s brighter future.
  • EU LGBTIQ Survey III

    The third iteration of the EU LGBTIQ Survey of the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA), was conducted in 2023. It presents the experiences of LGBTIQ people across the EU 27 Member States, and the candidate countries Albania, North Macedonia and Serbia, on the extent to which they enjoy fundamental rights. It provides policymakers with a solid empirical basis for evidence-based policies to ensure respect and protection for and fulfilment of the fundamental rights of LGBTIQ people. This interactive data explorer shows data from the survey for over 150 questions and contains multiple options for filtering, exporting and sharing the data.

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