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Upcoming products in 2022

A list of key FRA products scheduled for 2022.

Quarter 1 | Quarter 2 | Quarter 3 | Quarter 4

FRA Calendar 2022
Date  Title Type
Quarter 1    
  Strengthening guardianship for unaccompanied children Report
  Migration Bulletin – September-December 2021 Paper
Quarter 2    
April Handbook on European law relating to the rights of the child – Update 2021 Handbook
May Charter e-guidance and case studies Online
  Migration Bulletin – January-March 2022 Paper
June Fundamental Rights Report 2022
  • Fundamental Rights Report 2022
  • Fundamental Rights Report 2022 – FRA Opinions
  • Fundamental Rights Report 2022 Focus – Impact of COVID recovery measures on social rights
June NGO ships involved in search and rescue in the Mediterranean and legal proceedings against them – Update 2022 Online
June NHRI accreditation status and mandates – Update Online
June Consolidated Annual Activity Report 2021 Report
  Civic space in the EU 2022 - Update Paper
Quarter 3    
July Guardianship: Train the trainer manual Online
Quarter 4    
September Roma Survey 2020
  • Main results report
  • Technical report
  • Questionnaire
  Bias in algorithms Report
  Procedural safeguards for children who are suspects and accused in criminal proceedings Report
September Migration Bulletin – April-June 2022 Paper
  Your rights matter: People with disabilities Focus Paper
  Forced return monitoring systems – Update 2022 Online
November Migration Bulletin – July-September 2022 Paper
9 November Antisemitism - Update of data available in the EU Paper
November Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities: Human rights indicators Paper
  Justice for all: victims of crime Report
  10 keys to effectively communicating human rights – e-learning tool Online
December NHRI accreditation status and mandates – Update Online
December NGO ships involved in search and rescue in the Mediterranean and legal proceedings against them - Update December 2022 Online