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Artikel 31 - Rättvisa arbetsförhållanden
1. Varje arbetstagare har rätt till hälsosamma, säkra och värdiga arbetsförhållanden. 2. Varje arbetstagare har rätt till en begränsning av den maximala arbetstiden samt till dygns- och veckovila och årlig betald semester.
1. Punkt 1 i denna artikel grundas på direktiv 89/391/EEG om åtgärder för att främja förbättringar av arbetstagarnas säkerhet och hälsa i arbetet. Den har även inspirerats av artikel 3 i den sociala stadgan och punkt 19 i gemenskapsstadgan om arbetstagares rättigheter samt, när det gäller rätten till värdiga arbetsförhållanden, av artikel 26 i den reviderade sociala stadgan. Uttrycket `arbetsförhållanden` bör tolkas på samma sätt som uttrycket `arbetsvillkor` i artikel 156 i fördraget om Europeiska unionens funktionssätt.
2. Punkt 2 grundas på direktiv 93/104/EG om arbetstidens förläggning i vissa avseenden samt på artikel 2 i europeiska sociala stadgan och punkt 8 i gemenskapsstadgan om arbetstagares rättigheter.
Article 13(1)The maximum number of hours of work per day shall be fixed by law.(2) The worker is entitled to a weekly day of rest and to annual holidays with pay; he cannot renounce this right.Article 16The State shall provide for safeguarding the labour of minors and assure to them the right to equal pay for equal work.
Article 11.(5) La loi règle quant à ses principes la sécurité sociale, la protection de la santé, les droits des travailleurs, la lutte contre la pauvreté et l’intégration sociale des citoyens atteints d’un handicap.
Article 11.(5) The law regulates as to their principles[:] social security, the protection of health, the rights of workers, [and] the struggle against poverty and social integration of citizens affected by a handicap.
Article 48. Everyone may freely choose a job or business, and shall have the right to have proper, safe, and healthy conditions at work, as well as to receive fair pay for work and social security in the event of unemployment. The work of foreigners in the Republic of Lithuania shall be regulated by law. Forced labour shall be prohibited. Article 49. Every working person shall have the right to rest and leisure, as well as to annual paid leave. The length of working time shall be established by law.
48 straipsnis. Kiekvienas žmogus gali laisvai pasirinkti darbą bei verslą ir turi teisę turėti tinkamas, saugias ir sveikas darbo sąlygas, gauti teisingą apmokėjimą už darbą ir socialinę apsaugą nedarbo atveju.Užsieniečių darbą Lietuvos Respublikoje reguliuoja įstatymas.Priverčiamasis darbas draudžiamas. 49 straipsnis. Kiekvienas dirbantis žmogus turi teisę turėti poilsį ir laisvalaikį, taip pat kasmetines mokamas atostogas.Darbo laiko trukmę apibrėžia įstatymas.
107. Every employed person has the right to receive, for work done, commensurate remuneration which shall not be less than the minimum wage established by the State, and has the right to weekly holidays and a paid annual vacation.
Section 7 - Principle of Equal Rights(1) Everyone has an equal right to work, to fair, safe and healthy working conditions, as well as to fair work remuneration.(...)
107. Ikvienam darbiniekam ir tiesības saņemt veiktajam darbam atbilstošu samaksu, kas nav mazāka par valsts noteikto minimumu, kā arī tiesības uz iknedēļas brīvdienām un ikgadēju apmaksātu atvaļinājumu.
Art. 36. Workers have the right to a remuneration commensurate to the quantity and quality of their work and in any case such as to ensure them and their families a free and dignified existence. Maximum daily working hours are established by law. Workers have the right to a weekly rest day and paid annual holidays. They cannot waive this right.
Art. 36. Il lavoratore ha diritto ad una retribuzione proporzionata alla quantità e qualità del suo lavoro e in ogni caso sufficiente ad assicurare a sé e alla famiglia un'esistenza libera e dignitosa.La durata massima della giornata lavorativa è stabilita dalla legge.Il lavoratore ha diritto al riposo settimanale e a ferie annuali retribuite, e non può rinunziarvi.
Article 45.4.2. The state shall endeavour to ensure that the strength and health of workers, men and women, and the tender age of children shall not be abused and that citizens shall not be forced by economic necessity to enter avocations unsuited to their sex, age or strength.
70/B §(…) (2) Az egyenlő munkáért mindenkinek, bármilyen megkülönböztetés nélkül, egyenlő bérhez van joga.(3) Minden dolgozónak joga van olyan jövedelemhez, amely megfelel végzett munkája mennyiségének és minőségének.(4) Mindenkinek joga van a pihenéshez, a szabadidőhöz és a rendszeres fizetett szabadsághoz. 70/D §(…) (2) Ezt a jogot a Magyar Köztársaság a munkavédelem, az egészségügyi intézmények és az orvosi ellátás megszervezésével, a rendszeres testedzés biztosításával, valamint az épített és a természetes környezet védelmével valósítja meg.
Article 70/B(…) (2) Everyone has the right to equal compensation for equal work, without any discrimination whatsoever.(3) All persons who work have the right to an income that corresponds to the amount and quality of work they carry out.(4) Everyone has the right to leisure time, to free time and to regular paid vacation.Article 70/D(1) Everyone living in the territory of the Republic of Hungary has the right to the highest possible level of physical and mental health.(2) The Republic of Hungary shall implement this right through institutions of labor safety and health care, through the organization of medical care and the opportunities for regular physical activity, as well as through the protection of the urban and natural environment.
XVII. cikk (SZABADSÁG ÉS FELELŐSSÉG) […] (3) Minden munkavállalónak joga van az egészségét, biztonságát és méltóságát tiszteletben tartó munkafeltételekhez. (4) Minden munkavállalónak joga van a napi és heti pihenőidőhöz, valamint az éves fizetett szabadsághoz.
Article XVII (Freedom and Responsibility) […] (3) Every employee shall have the right to working conditions which ensure respect for his or her health, safety and dignity. (4) Every employee shall have the right to daily and weekly rest periods and to a period of annual paid leave.
Article 22 (1). Work constitutes a right and shall enjoy the protection of the State, which shall care for the creation of conditions of employment for all citizens and shall pursue the moral and material advancement of the rural and urban working population. [...]
Άρθρo 22 (1). H εργασία απoτελεί δικαίωμα και πρoστατεύεται από τo Kράτoς, πoυ μεριμνά για τη δημιoυργία συνθηκών απασχόλησης όλων των πoλιτών και για την ηθική και υλική εξύψωση τoυ εργαζόμενoυ αγρoτικoύ και αστικoύ πληθυσμoύ. […]
(Betriebsverfassungsgesetz, BetrVG) A law which regulates the relationship between employer and the employees, represented by the work council and their rights and duties.
Section 18 The right to work and the freedom to engage in commercial activity Everyone has the right, as provided by an Act, to earn his or her livelihood by the employment, occupation or commercial activity of his or her choice. The public authorities shall take responsibility for the protection of the labour force. (...)