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In the Netherlands, victims of discrimination have different options where to report the incident. They include the Municipal Anti-discrimination Services (the regional equality bodies), the Netherlands Institute for Human Rights (the national, centralised, equality body), or the police. In the past, every organisation published data separately on discrimination incidents and complaints in their annual report.
A national overview across different institutions was lacking. Furthermore, as data from the various institutions are not strictly comparable and can display different patterns and trends, this was recognised as a potential cause for confusion.
In 2013, the Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment, in cooperation with the Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations, first commissioned regional pilot reports wherein data on discrimination complaints from different organisations were brought together in a new format. The main aim was to present data from different organisations in one comprehensive report and to provide more information regarding the comparability and interpretation of these figures.
The different legal frameworks and mandates, with which public and private institutions processing discrimination complaints or registered incidents operate, posed a challenge for meaningful data analysis. The report compiles and presents data from various institutions, but also explains the context and purpose of the different datasets.
This method of multi-agency reporting was first adopted in several regions with geographical boundaries identical to those of the Police units. In 2016, as a result of collaboration between the National Police, the Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations, and the National Association of Municipal Antidiscrimination Services, a national multi-agency report on discrimination complaints was published for the first time. The decision to formally introduce and enhance this practice was part of the National Action Programme against Discrimination, which was presented in January 2016.
The first national multi-agency report – published in 2016 - contained figures on registered incidents and discrimination complaints received in 2015 by the police, the equality bodies (the Municipal Antidiscrimination Services and the Netherlands Institute for Human Rights) and some other institutions that receive reports of discrimination. In 2018, the third annual multi-agency report on discrimination complaints was published, presenting the figures of 2017.
The data are compiled in an annual report. The report offers a detailed overview of incidents registered by the police and complaints that were issued to Municipal Antidiscrimination Services. In addition, the report includes figures from the Netherlands Institute for Human Rights, the Complaints Desk Internet Discrimination, and other institutions that receive reports on discrimination. The multi-agency report incorporates the following types of discrimination data from involved institutions:
The report presents the data in order to provide not only an overview of the number of registered discrimination incidents and complaints, but also insights into the discrimination grounds, the type of discriminatory behaviour and the location of the incident.
The report shows how registered incidents and discrimination complaints vary across time, region, area of life and agency. It tries to cautiously offer explanations for the patterns and developments, but also makes clear that incidents registered by the police and complaints received by different bodies cannot be aggregated due to differences in, for example, the goals of the bodies and their legal framework.
Furthermore, a limited but unknown number of incidents are reported to equality bodies as well as to the police.
Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations / Ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken en Koninkrijksrelaties
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