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FRA Structure

The Management Board consists of independent experts, one appointed by each Member State, two European Commission representatives and one independent expert appointed by the Council of Europe. The Management Board is responsible for defining the agency’s work priorities, approving its budget and monitoring its work.

The Executive Board is composed of the Chairperson and the Vice-Chairperson of the Management Board, two other members of the Management Board and one of the representatives of the European Commission. The Executive Board prepares the decisions of the Management Board and advises the Director.

The Scientific Committee consists of 11 highly qualified independent people who guarantee the scientific quality of the FRA's work.

FRA is headed by the Director who is supported by the Director's Office and two advisers; one scientific and one on communications. The Director's Office guides and manages FRA, ensuring that its objectives and related tasks are achieved efficiently and effectively and in accordance with the direction given by the Management Board.

In addition to the Director's Office, the five FRA units are:

  • Justice, Digital & Migration
  • Equality, Roma & Social Rights
  • Institutional Cooperation & Networks
  • Communications & Events
  • Corporate Services