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Artikkel 28 - Kollektiivläbirääkimiste ja kollektiivse tegutsemise õigus
Töötajatel ja tööandjatel või nende organisatsioonidel on liidu õiguse ning siseriiklike õigusaktide ja tavade kohaselt õigus pidada asjakohasel tasandil läbirääkimisi kollektiivlepingute üle ja neid sõlmida ning huvide konflikti korral kollektiivselt oma õigusi kaitsta, sealhulgas streikida.
Käesolev artikkel põhineb Euroopa sotsiaalharta artiklil 6 ja töötajate sotsiaalseid põhiõigusi käsitleval ühenduse hartal (punktid 12–14). Kollektiivse tegutsemise õigust tunnustati Euroopa Inimõiguste Kohtu poolt kui Euroopa inimõiguste ja põhivabaduste kaitse konventsiooni artiklis 11 sätestatud ametiühingu õiguste üht osa. Kollektiivläbirääkimiste pidamise asjakohaste tasandite osas vaata selgitust eelmise artikli kohta. Kollektiivse tegutsemise, sealhulgas streikimise vahendid ja piirangud sätestatakse siseriiklike õigusaktide ja tavadega, kaasa arvatud selle samaaegselt mitmes liikmesriigis läbiviimise küsimus.
(dans sa teneur modifiée au 11 novembre 2009)
Article 11.(4) La loi garantit le droit au travail et l’Etat veille à assurer à chaque citoyen l’exercice de ce droit. La loi garantit les libertés syndicales et organise le droit de grève. Article 11.(5) La loi règle quant à ses principes la sécurité sociale, la protection de la santé, les droits des travailleurs, la lutte contre la pauvreté et l’intégration sociale des citoyens atteints d’un handicap.
Article 11.(4) The law guarantees the right to work and the State sees to [the] assurance to each citizen [of] the exercise of this right. The law guarantees the syndical freedom and organizes the right to strike. Article 11.(5) The law regulates as to their principles[:] social security, the protection of health, the rights of workers, [and] the struggle against poverty and social integration of citizens affected by a handicap.
Article 50. Trade unions shall be established freely and shall function independently. They shall defend the professional, economic, and social rights and interests of employees. All trade unions shall have equal rights. Article 51. While defending their economic and social interests, employees shall have the right to strike. Limitations on this right and the conditions and procedure for its implementation shall be established by law.
50 straipsnis. Profesinės sąjungos kuriasi laisvai ir veikia savarankiškai. Jos gina darbuotojų profesines, ekonomines bei socialines teises bei interesus. Visos profesinės sąjungos turi lygias teises. 51 straipsnis. Darbuotojai, gindami savo ekonominius ir socialinius interesus, turi teisę streikuoti. Šios teisės apribojimus, įgyvendinimo sąlygas ir tvarką nustato įstatymas.
108. Strādājošajiem ir tiesības uz koplīgumu, kā arī tiesības streikot. Valsts aizsargā arodbiedrību brīvību.
108. Employed persons have the right to a collective labour agreement, and the right to strike. The State shall protect the freedom of trade unions.
Section 17. Content and Form of Collective Agreements(1) Parties to a collective agreement shall reach agreement on the provisions regulating the content of employment legal relationships, in particular the organisation of work remuneration and labour protection, establishment and termination of employment legal relationships, improvement of qualifications, work procedures, social security of employees and other issues related to employment legal relationships, and shall determine mutual rights and duties.(2) Without special arrangements, parties to a collective agreement shall:1) during the period of the existence of the collective agreement refrain from any measures which are directed at unilateral amendments to its provisions unless provided otherwise by regulatory enactments or by the collective agreement; and2) ensure that the provisions of the collective agreement are complied with and fulfilled both by the employer and the employees.(3) A collective agreement shall be entered into in writing.
Section 1. Concept of Trade UnionsIn accordance with the Declaration on the Restoration of the Independence of the Republic of Latvia and the laws of Latvia, the inhabitants of the Republic have the right to form trade unions freely.Trade unions of the Republic of Latvia are independent public organisations, which express, represent and protect labour and other social and economic rights and interests of their members in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Latvia On Trade Unions, other current legislation of the Republic of Latvia, and the by-laws of trade unions of the Republic of Latvia, as well as observing the principles and norms specified in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other international covenants and conventions.Section 2. Freedom to Form Trade UnionsThe inhabitants of the Republic of Latvia who work or study have the right to form trade unions. Trade unions may be formed following the professional, sectoral, territorial or other principles. Employers may form their own trade unions. The by-laws approved by the trade unions and this Law shall determine and regulate the form of operation of the trade unions, the organisational structure and procedures for the establishment thereof.Members of a trade union shall take a decision regarding the termination of activities of trade unions or the integration thereof into territorial, sectoral or other unions following the procedures specified in the by-laws.
Art. 39. Trade unions may be freely established. No obligations may be imposed on trade unions other than registration at local or central offices, according to the provisions of the law. A condition for registration is that the statutes of the trade unions establish their internal organisation on a democratic basis. Registered trade unions are legal persons. They may, through a unified representation that is proportional to their membership, enter into collective labour agreements that have a mandatory effect for all persons belonging to the categories referred to in the agreement. Art. 40. The right to strike shall be exercised in compliance with the law.
Art. 39. L'organizzazione sindacale è libera.Ai sindacati non può essere imposto altro obbligo se non la loro registrazione presso uffici locali o centrali, secondo le norme di legge.E' condizione per la registrazione che gli statuti dei sindacati sanciscano un ordinamento interno a base democratica.I sindacati registrati hanno personalità giuridica. Possono, rappresentati unitariamente in proporzione dei loro iscritti, stipulare contratti collettivi di lavoro con efficacia obbligatoria per tutti gli appartenenti alle categorie alle quali il contratto si riferisce. Art. 40. Il diritto di sciopero si esercita nell'ambito delle leggi che lo regolano.
An act to make further and better provision for promoting harmonious relations between workers and employers, and to amend the law relating to trade unions and for these and other purposes to amend the Industrial Relations Acts, 1946 to 1976, and the Trade Union Acts, 1871 to 1982.
Article 4Labor unions and other representative bodies shall protect and represent the interests of employees, members of co-operatives and entrepreneurs.Article 70/C(1) Everyone has the right to establish or join organizations together with others with the objective of protecting his economic or social interests.(2) The right to strike may be exercised within the framework of the law regulating such right.(3) A majority of two-thirds of the votes of the Members of Parliament present is required to pass the law on the right to strike.
XVII. cikk (SZABADSÁG ÉS FELELŐSSÉG) (1) A munkavállalók és a munkaadók – a munkahelyek biztosítására, a nemzetgazdaság fenntarthatóságára és más közösségi célokra is figyelemmel – együttműködnek egymással. (2) Törvényben meghatározottak szerint a munkavállalóknak, a munkaadóknak, valamint szervezeteiknek joguk van ahhoz, hogy egymással tárgyalást folytassanak, annak alapján kollektív szerződést kössenek, érdekeik védelmében együttesen fellépjenek, amely magában foglalja a munkavállalók munkabeszüntetéshez való jogát. […]
Article XVII (Freedom and Responsibility) (1) Employees and employers shall cooperate with each other with a view to ensuring jobs and the sustainability of the national economy, and to other community goals. (2) Employees, employers and their organisations shall have the right, as provided for by an Act, to negotiate with each other and conclude collective agreements, and to take collective action to defend their interests, including the right of workers to discontinue work. […]
4 § A szakszervezetek és más érdekképviseletek védik és képviselik a munkavállalók, a szövetkezeti tagok és a vállalkozók érdekeit.70/C § (1) Mindenkinek joga van ahhoz, hogy gazdasági és társadalmi érdekeinek védelme céljából másokkal együtt szervezetet alakítson vagy ahhoz csatlakozzon.(2) A sztrájkjogot az ezt szabályozó törvények keretei között lehet gyakorolni.(3) A sztrájkjogról szóló törvény elfogadásához a jelenlévő országgyűlési képviselők kétharmadának szavazata szükséges.
Article 22(2). General working conditions shall be determined by law, supplemented by collective labour agreements concluded through free negotiations and, in case of the failure of such, by rules determined by arbitration. [...] Article 23 (1). The State shall adopt due measures safeguarding the freedom to unionise and the unhindered exercise of related rights against any infringement thereon within the limits of the law. (2). Strike constitutes a right to be exercised by lawfully established trade unions in order to protect and promote the financial and the general labour interests of working people. Strikes of any nature whatsoever are prohibited in the case of judicial functionaries and those serving in the security corps. The right to strike shall be subject to the specific limitations of the law regulating this right in the case of public servants and employees of local government agencies and of public law legal persons as well as in the case of the employees of all types of enterprises of a public nature or of public benefit, the operation of which is of vital importance in serving the basic needs of the society as a whole. These limitations may not be carried to the point of abolishing the right to strike or hindering the lawful exercise thereof.
Άρθρο 22(2).Με νόμο καθορίζονται οι γενικοί όροι εργασίας, που συμπληρώνονται από τις συλλογικές συμβάσεις εργασίας συναπτόμενες με ελεύθερες διαπραγματεύσεις και, αν αυτές αποτύχουν, με τους κανόνες που θέτει η διαιτησία [...] .Άρθρο 23(1).Το Κράτος λαμβάνει τα προσήκοντα μέτρα για τη διασφάλιση της συνδικαλιστικής ελευθερίας και την ανεμπόδιστη άσκηση των συναφών μ' αυτή δικαιωμάτων εναντίον κάθε προσβολής τους, μέσα στα όρια του νόμου.(2).Η απεργία αποτελεί δικαίωμα και ασκείται από τις νόμιμα συστημένες συνδικαλιστικές οργανώσεις για τη διαφύλαξη και προαγωγή των οικονομικών και εργασιακών γενικά συμφερόντων των εργαζομένων. Απαγορεύεται η απεργία με οποιαδήποτε μορφή στους δικαστικούς λειτουργούς και σ' αυτούς που υπηρετούν στα σώματα ασφαλείας. Το δικαίωμα των υπαλλήλων της τοπικής αυτοδιοίκησης και των νομικών προσώπων δημοσίου δικαίου, καθώς και του προσωπικού των κάθε μορφής επιχειρήσεων δημόσιου χαρακτήρα ή κοινής ωφέλειας, που η λειτουργία τους έχει ζωτική σημασία για την εξυπηρέτηση βασικών αναγκών του κοινωνικού συνόλου, υπόκειται στους συγκεκριμένους περιορισμούς του νόμου που το ρυθμίζει. Οι περιορισμοί αυτοί δεν μπορούν να φθάνουν έως την κατάργηση του δικαιώματος της απεργίας ή την παρεμπόδιση της νόμιμης άσκησής του.