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Los pueblos de Europa, al crear entre sí una unión cada vez más estrecha, han decidido compartir un porvenir pacífico basado en valores comunes. Consciente de su patrimonio espiritual y moral, la Unión está fundada sobre los valores indivisibles y universales de la dignidad humana, la libertad, la igualdad y la solidaridad, y se basa en los principios de la democracia y el Estado de Derecho. Al instituir la ciudadanía de la Unión y crear un espacio de libertad, seguridad y justicia, sitúa a la persona en el centro de su actuación.
La Unión contribuye a defender y fomentar estos valores comunes dentro del respeto de la diversidad de culturas y tradiciones de los pueblos de Europa, así como de la identidad nacional de los Estados miembros y de la organización de sus poderes públicos a escala nacional, regional y local; trata de fomentar un desarrollo equilibrado y sostenible y garantiza la libre circulación de personas, servicios, mercancías y capitales, así como la libertad de establecimiento.
Para ello es necesario, dándoles mayor proyección mediante una Carta, reforzar la protección de los derechos fundamentales a tenor de la evolución de la sociedad, del progreso social y de los avances científicos y tecnológicos.
La presente Carta reafirma, dentro del respeto de las competencias y misiones de la Unión, así como del principio de subsidiariedad, los derechos que emanan, en particular, de las tradiciones constitucionales y las obligaciones internacionales comunes a los Estados miembros, del Convenio Europeo para la Protección de los Derechos Humanos y de las Libertades Fundamentales, las Cartas Sociales adoptadas por la Unión y por el Consejo de Europa, así como de la jurisprudencia del Tribunal de Justicia de la Unión Europea y del Tribunal Europeo de Derechos Humanos. En este contexto, los órganos jurisdiccionales de la Unión y de los Estados miembros interpretarán la Carta atendiendo debidamente a las explicaciones elaboradas bajo la autoridad del Praesidium de la Convención que redactó la Carta y actualizadas bajo la responsabilidad del Praesidium de la Convención Europea.
El disfrute de tales derechos conlleva responsabilidades y deberes tanto respecto de los demás como de la comunidad humana y de las generaciones futuras.
En consecuencia, la Unión reconoce los derechos, libertades y principios enunciados a continuación.

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      Preamble - Explanations relating to the Charter of Fundamental Rights:

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      Civil society organisations struggle to maintain an environment safe from threats and attacks. FRA’s sixth annual update on civic space explores the challenges for organisations across the EU. While there has been significant development since FRA began monitoring the situation in 2018, civil society organisations remain under immense pressure. Abusive lawsuits and attacks against those involved in migrant search and rescue at sea are just some of the challenges identified. This report presents ways forward to protect civil society and human rights.
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      Since October 2018, FRA has been publishing regular updates on NGO ships involved in search and rescue (SAR) operations in the Mediterranean, and the status of legal proceedings against them. This latest update covers until the end of June 2023.
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      Russia’s invasion of Ukraine posed new challenges for the EU. Millions were forced to flee the war. As a result of the scale of people’s displacement, the EU activated for the first time the Temporary Protection Directive (TPD). More than 1.3 million children sought international protection in the EU. This bulletin explores the respect, protection and fulfilment of the fundamental rights of displaced children and ways to safeguard their rights. The third in a series, this bulletin builds on the evidence in FRA’s Bulletin #1 and #2 on the experiences of displaced people seeking safety in the EU.
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      Europe’s ageing population is ever-increasing, and our societies are becoming more digitalised. Many public services are now available online, with many more services in the process of being digitalised. But the digitalisation of public services poses a risk of exclusion for older persons. In this new report, FRA explores the impact of digitalisation on the fundamental rights of older persons. The report maps the current legislation, policies and practices fostering digital inclusion. It provides an overview of the laws at the national level that provide for equal access to public services, both online and offline. The findings show how Member States safeguard older person’s rights to access services undergoing digitalisation. It outlines how Member States can support digital skills and ensure older people can fully participate in public life.

    • Report / Paper / Summary
      Following yet another recent tragic shipwreck and loss of life, this short report sets out how the EU could meet its obligations to prevent more deaths at sea. As part of the work that the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) does on upholding fundamental rights on migration and asylum, this report calls for better protection for shipwreck survivors and prompt investigations. It sets out measures that EU Member States should take to improve search and rescue efforts and provide legal pathways to safety to prevent deaths at sea.
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      Across the world, human rights defenders protect and uphold human rights in some of the most challenging situations. In some countries they face worrying levels of threats and attacks, intimidation and harassment. This report outlines how human rights defenders can enter and stay in the EU when they need protection. It suggests how EU institutions and Member States could use the flexibility in existing legal provisions and provide shelter for defenders who seek protection.
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      This report provides a partial update on the findings of the 2017 European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) report Surveillance by intelligence services: Fundamental rights safeguards and remedies in the EU. It was prepared at the request of the European Parliament, which asked FRA to update its 2017 findings to support the work of its committee of inquiry to investigate the use of Pegasus and equivalent surveillance spyware (PEGA).
    • Report / Paper / Summary
      Many cities throughout the European Union hosted people fleeing Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine. The EU currently faces the largest displacement of people in Europe since World War II. Since February 2022, over seven million people came to the EU. The arrival of such large numbers of people thrust cities and local governments to the forefront of the EU and its Member States’ relief work. This short publication provides a snapshot of cities’ initiatives to address this humanitarian crisis.
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      National Human Rights Institutions (NHRIs) continue to play a key role in upholding fundamental rights. FRA keeps track of the accreditation status and the mandates of the NHRIs. In 2022, the NHRI in Cyprus was upgraded to an ‘A-status’ institution. In addition, the mandates of six NHRIs changed to include child protection or the protection of LGBTI people.
    • Report / Paper / Summary
      Europe stands at a delicate moment in its history, facing a convergence of major tests. Each of them taken on their own is significant. Together, they pose profound questions about the political, economic, and societal future of the continent. This is a moment for strong commitment to put human rights at the heart of our vision for Europe’s future. It is also time to demonstrate our determination to work together to this end. Against this backdrop, the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) brought together around sixty human rights leaders and experts from across the continent to discuss elements of a human rights vision for the future and to identify opportunities for action. A full conference report will be available soon, including the specific ideas and proposals which arose from the meeting. Meanwhile, this is a summary of the conclusions.