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EU Charter of Fundamental Rights

Articolul 47 - Dreptul la o cale de atac eficientă și la un proces echitabil

Articolul 47 - Dreptul la o cale de atac eficientă și la un proces echitabil

Orice persoană ale cărei drepturi și libertăți garantate de dreptul Uniunii sunt încălcate are dreptul la o cale de atac eficientă în fața unei instanțe judecătorești, în conformitate cu condițiile stabilite de prezentul articol. Orice persoană are dreptul la un proces echitabil, public și într-un termen rezonabil, în fața unei instanțe judecătorești independente și imparțiale, constituită în prealabil prin lege. Orice persoană are posibilitatea de a fi consiliată, apărată și reprezentată. Asistența juridică gratuită se acordă celor care nu dispun de resurse suficiente, în măsura în care aceasta este necesară pentru a-i asigura accesul efectiv la justiție.

    • Text:

      Primul paragraf se întemeiază pe articolul 13 din CEDO:

      `Orice persoană ale cărei drepturi şi libertăţi recunoscute de prezenta Convenţie sunt încălcate are dreptul să se adreseze efectiv unei instanţe naţionale, chiar şi atunci când încălcarea s-ar datora unor persoane care au acţionat în exercitarea atribuţiilor lor oficiale`.

      Cu toate acestea, protecţia din dreptul Uniunii este mai extinsă, deoarece aceasta garantează dreptul de a apela efectiv la un judecător. Curtea de Justiţie a consacrat acest drept, ca principiu general de drept al Uniunii, prin hotărârea din 15 mai 1986 (cauza 222/84, Johnston, Rec. 1986, p. 1651; a se vedea şi hotărârea din 15 octombrie 1987, cauza 222/86, Heylens, Rec. 1987, p. 4097 şi hotărârea din 3 decembrie 1992, C-97/91, Borelli, Rec. 1992, p. I-6313). Potrivit Curţii, acest principiu general de drept al Uniunii se aplică şi statelor membre în cazul în care acestea aplică dreptul Uniunii. Menţionarea acestei jurisprudenţe în cartă nu avea ca obiect modificarea sistemului de control jurisdicţional prevăzut în tratate şi, în special, a normelor privind admisibilitatea acţiunilor formulate direct în faţa Curţii de Justiţie a Uniunii Europene. Convenţia Europeană a examinat sistemul de control jurisdicţional al Uniunii, inclusiv normele privind admisibilitatea, şi l-a confirmat, modificând însă anumite aspecte, după cum se arată la articolele 251-281 din Tratatul privind funcţionarea Uniunii Europene şi, în special, la articolul 263 alineatul (4). Articolul 47 se aplică instituţiilor Uniunii şi ale statelor membre în cazul în care acestea pun în aplicare dreptul Uniunii pentru toate drepturile garantate de dreptul Uniunii.

      Al doilea paragraf corespunde articolului 6 alineatul (1) din CEDO, cu următorul text:

      `Orice persoană are dreptul la judecarea în mod echitabil, în mod public şi într-un termen rezonabil a cauzei sale, de către o instanţă independentă şi imparţială, instituită de lege, care va hotărî fie asupra încălcării drepturilor şi a obligaţiilor sale cu caracter civil, fie asupra temeiniciei oricărei acuzaţii în materie penală îndreptate împotriva sa.
      Hotărârea trebuie să fie pronunţată în mod public, dar accesul în sala de şedinţă poate fi interzis presei şi publicului pe întreaga durată a procesului sau a unei părţi a acestuia, în interesul moralităţii, al ordinii publice ori al securităţii naţionale într-o societate democratică, atunci când interesele minorilor sau protecţia vieţii private a părţilor la proces o impun, sau în măsura considerată absolut necesară de către instanţă, atunci când, în împrejurări speciale, publicitatea ar fi de natură să aducă atingere intereselor justiţiei`.
      În dreptul Uniunii, dreptul de a se adresa unei instanţe nu se aplică numai pentru plângerile privind drepturile şi obligaţiile cu caracter civil. Aceasta este una dintre consecinţele faptului că Uniunea este o comunitate de drept, după cum a constatat Curtea de Justiţie în cauza 294/83, `Verzii`/Parlamentul European (hotărârea din 23 aprilie 1986, Rec. 1986, p. 1339). Cu toate acestea, cu excepţia domeniului lor de aplicare, garanţiile oferite de CEDO se aplică în mod similar în Uniune.

      În ceea ce priveşte paragraful al treilea, trebuie observat faptul că, în conformitate cu jurisprudenţa Curţii Europene a Drepturilor Omului, trebuie acordată asistenţă juridică în cazurile în care absenţa acesteia ar face ineficientă garantarea accesului efectiv la justiţie (hotărârea CEDO din 9 octombrie 1979, Airey, seria A, volumul 32, p. 11). Există, de asemenea, şi un sistem de asistenţă judiciară pentru cazurile de la Curtea de Justiţie a Uniunii Europene.

      Jurnalul Oficial al Uniunii Europene C 303/17 - 14.12.2007
      Preamble - Explanations relating to the Charter of Fundamental Rights:
      Explicaţiile redate în continuare au fost redactate iniţial sub autoritatea prezidiului Convenţiei care a elaborat Carta drepturilor fundamentale a Uniunii Europene. Acestea au fost actualizate sub autoritatea prezidiului Convenţiei Europene, având în vedere adaptarea de către respectiva Convenţie a textului cartei (în special la articolele 51 şi 52), precum şi evoluţia dreptului Uniunii. Cu toate că aceste explicaţii nu au valoare juridică în sine, acestea constituie un preţios instrument de interpretare destinat clarificării dispoziţiilor cartei.
    • Cham Holding Co. SA v Council of the European Union
      Decision date:
      Deciding body type:
      Court of Justice of the European Union
      Deciding body:
      Court (Eighth Chamber)
      Policy area:
      External relations
      ECLI (European case law identifier):
    • Drex Technologies SA v Council of the European Union
      Decision date:
      Deciding body type:
      Court of Justice of the European Union
      Deciding body:
      Court (Eighth Chamber)
      Policy area:
      External relations
      ECLI (European case law identifier):
    • Almashreq Investment Fund v Council of the European Union
      Decision date:
      Deciding body type:
      Court of Justice of the European Union
      Deciding body:
      Court (Eighth Chamber)
      Policy area:
      Justice, freedom and security
      ECLI (European case law identifier):
    • Souruh SA v Council of the European Union
      Decision date:
      Deciding body type:
      Court of Justice of the European Union
      Deciding body:
      Court (Eighth Chamber)
      Policy area:
      External relations
      ECLI (European case law identifier):
    • B. v Centre public d'action sociale de Líège (CPAS)
      Decision date:
      Deciding body type:
      Court of Justice of the European Union
      Deciding body:
      Court (First Chamber)
      Policy area:
      Justice, freedom and security
      ECLI (European case law identifier):
    • LM v Centre public d'action sociale de Seraing
      Decision date:
      Deciding body type:
      Court of Justice of the European Union
      Deciding body:
      Court (First Chamber)
      Policy area:
      Justice, freedom and security
      ECLI (European case law identifier):
    • Order of Francophone and Germanophone Bars, Order of Flemish Bars and the Institute of Accountants and Tax Consultants and others
      Decision date:
      Deciding body type:
      National Court/Tribunal
      Deciding body:
      Constitutional Court
      Policy area:
      ECLI (European case law identifier):
    • M.D., Council of Ministers
      Decision date:
      Deciding body type:
      National Court/Tribunal
      Deciding body:
      Constitutional Court
      Policy area:
      ECLI (European case law identifier):
    • Uniwersytet Wrocławski and Republic of Poland v Research Executive Agency
      Decision date:
      Deciding body type:
      Court of Justice of the European Union
      Deciding body:
      Advocate General
      Policy area:
      ECLI (European case law identifier):
    • Friends of the Irish Environment CLG v the Irish Legal Aid Board
      Decision date:
      Deciding body type:
      National Court/Tribunal
      Deciding body:
      High Court
      Policy area:
      ECLI (European case law identifier):

    62 results found

    • Constitution

      Article 64 Le Président de la République est garant de l'indépendance de l'autorité judiciaire.(...) 

    • Declaration des Droits de l’Homme et du Citoyen du 26 août 1789

      Article 7 Nul homme ne peut être accusé, arrêté ni détenu que dans les cas déterminés par la Loi, et selon les formes qu'elle a prescrites. Ceux qui sollicitent, expédient, exécutent ou font exécuter des ordres arbitraires, doivent être punis ; mais tout citoyen appelé ou saisi en vertu de la Loi doit obéir à l'instant : il se rend coupable par la résistance. 

    • Declaration of human and civic rights of 26 August 1789

      Article 7 No person shall be accused, arrested, or imprisoned except in the cases and according to the forms prescribed by law. Any one soliciting, transmitting, executing, or causing to be executed, any arbitrary order, shall be punished. But any citizen summoned or arrested in virtue of the law shall submit without delay, as resistance constitutes an offense.

    • Constitution of Finland

      Section 21 Protection under the law Everyone has the right to have his or her case dealt with appropriately and without undue delay by a legally competent court of law or other authority, as well as to have a decision pertaining to his or her rights or obligations reviewed by a court of law or other independent organ for the administration of justice. Provisions concerning the publicity of proceedings, the right to be heard, the right to receive a reasoned decision and the right of appeal, as well as the other guarantees of a fair trial and good governance shall be laid down by an Act.

    • Suomen perustuslaki

      21 § Oikeusturva Jokaisella on oikeus saada asiansa käsitellyksi asianmukaisesti ja ilman aiheetonta viivytystä lain mukaan toimivaltaisessa tuomioistuimessa tai muussa viranomaisessa sekä oikeus saada oikeuksiaan ja velvollisuuksiaan koskeva päätös tuomioistuimen tai muun riippumattoman lainkäyttöelimen käsiteltäväksi. Käsittelyn julkisuus sekä oikeus tulla kuulluksi, saada perusteltu päätös ja hakea muutosta samoin kuin muut oikeudenmukaisen oikeudenkäynnin ja hyvän hallinnon takeet turvataan lailla.

    • Constitution of the Republic of Estonia

      Article 15. Everyone whose rights and freedoms have been violated has the right of recourse to the courts. Everyone is entitled to petition the court that hears his or her case to declare unconstitutional any law, other legislative instrument, administrative decision or measure which is relevant in the case.
      The courts observe the Constitution and declare unconstitutional any law, other legislative instrument, administrative decision or measure which violates any rights or freedoms provided in the Constitution or which otherwise contravenes the Constitution.
      Article 24. No one may be transferred, against his or her free will, from the jurisdiction of a court specified by law to the jurisdiction of another court.
      Everyone is entitled to attend any hearing held by a court in his or her case.
      Court hearings are public. The court may, in the cases and pursuant to a procedure provided by law, order a hearing or a part thereof to be held in camera to protect a state secret or a trade secret, public morality or the private and family life of individuals, or where the interests of a minor, a victim, or the administration of justice so require.
      Judgments are pronounced publicly, except in cases where the interests of a minor, a spouse, or a victim require otherwise.
      In accordance with the procedure provided by law, everyone is entitled to appeal a judgment rendered in his or her case to a higher court.

    • Eesti Vabariigi Põhiseadus

      § 15. Igaühel on õigus pöörduda oma õiguste ja vabaduste rikkumise korral kohtusse. Igaüks võib oma kohtuasja läbivaatamisel nõuda mis tahes asjassepuutuva seaduse, muu õigusakti või toimingu põhiseaduse vastaseks tunnistamist. Kohus järgib põhiseadust ja tunnistab põhiseaduse vastaseks mis tahes seaduse, muu õigusakti või toimingu, mis rikub põhiseaduses sätestatud õigusi ja vabadusi või on muul viisil põhiseadusega vastuolus.
      § 24. Kedagi ei tohi tema vaba tahte vastaselt üle viia seadusega määratud kohtu alluvusest teise kohtu alluvusse. Igaühel on õigus olla oma kohtuasja arutamise juures.Kohtuistungid on avalikud. Kohus võib seaduses sätestatud juhtudel ja korras oma istungi või osa sellest kuulutada kinniseks riigi- või ärisaladuse, kõlbluse või inimeste perekonna- ja eraelu kaitseks või kui seda nõuavad alaealise, kannatanu või õigusemõistmise huvid.Kohtuotsus kuulutatakse avalikult, välja arvatud juhud, kui alaealise, abielupoole või kannatanu huvid nõuavad teisiti. Igaühel on õigus tema kohta tehtud kohtuotsuse peale seadusega sätestatud korras edasi kaevata kõrgemalseisvale kohtule.

    • Danmarks Riges Grundlov

      § 61. Den dømmende magts udøvelse kan kun ordnes ved lov. Særdomstole med dømmende myndighed kan ikke nedsættes.
      § 62. Retsplejen skal stedse holdes adskilt fra forvaltningen. Regler herom fastsættes ved lov.
      § 63. Stk. 1. Domstolene er berettigede til at påkende ethvert spørgsmål om øvrighedsmyndighedens grænser. Den, der vil rejse sådant spørgsmål, kan dog ikke ved at bringe sagen for domstolene unddrage sig fra foreløbig at efterkomme øvrighedens befaling. Stk. 2. Påkendelse af spørgsmål om øvrighedsmyndighedens grænser kan ved lov henlægges til en eller flere forvaltningsdomstole, hvis afgørelser dog skal kunne prøves ved rigets øverste domstol. De nærmere regler herom fastsættes ved lov.
      § 64. Dommerne har i deres kald alene at rette sig efter loven. De kan ikke afsættes uden ved dom, ejheller forflyttes mod deres ønske, uden for de tilfælde, hvor en omordning af domstolene finder sted. Dog kan den dommer, der har fyldt sit 65. år, afskediges, men uden tab af indtægter indtil det tidspunkt, til hvilket han skulle være afskediget på grund af alder.
      § 65. Stk. 1. I retsplejen gennemføres offentlighed og mundtlighed i videst muligt omfang. Stk. 2. I strafferetsplejen skal lægmænd medvirke. Det fastsættes ved lov, i hvilke sager og under hvilke former denne medvirken skal finde sted, herunder i hvilke sager nævninger skal medvirke.
      § 71, stk. 2 Frihedsberøvelse kan kun finde sted med hjemmel i loven. Stk. 3. Enhver, der anholdes, skal inden 24 timer stilles for en dommer. Hvis den anholdte ikke straks kan sættes på fri fod, skal dommeren ved en af grunde ledsaget kendelse, der afsiges snarest muligt og senest inden tre dage, afgøre, om han skal fængsles, og, hvis han kan løslades mod sikkerhed, bestemme dennes art og størrelse. Denne bestemmelse kan for Grønlands vedkommende fraviges ved lov, forsåvidt dette efter de stedlige forhold må anses for påkrævet. Stk. 4. Den kendelse, som dommeren afsiger, kan af vedkommende straks særskilt indbringes for højere ret. Stk. 5. Ingen kan underkastes varetægtsfængsel for en forseelse, som kun kan medføre straf af bøde eller hæfte.

    • The Constitutional Act of Denmark

      Section 61. The exercise of judicial authority shall be governed only by statute. Extraordinary courts of justice with judicial authority shall not be established.
      Section 62. The administration of justice shall always remain independent of administrative authority. Rules to this effect shall be laid down by statute.
      Section 63. Subsection 1. The courts of justice shall be empowered to decide any question relating to the scope of the executive’s authority; though any person wishing to question such authority shall not, by taking the case to the courts of justice, avoid temporary compliance with orders given by the executive authority. Subsection 2. Questions relating to the scope of the executive’s authority may by statute be referred for decision to one or more administrative courts, except that an appeal against the decision of the administrative courts shall be referred to the highest court of the Realm. Rules governing this procedure shall be laid down by statute.
      Section 64. In the performance of their duties, the judges shall be governed solely by the law. Judges shall not be dismissed except by judgement, nor shall they be transferred against their will, except in cases in which a rearrangement of the courts of justice is made. A judge who has completed his sixty-fifth year may, however, be retired, but without loss of income up to the time when he is due for retirement on account of age.
      Section 65. Subsection 1. In the administration of justice all proceedings shall to the widest possible extent be public and oral. Subsection 2. Laymen shall participate in criminal proceedings. The cases and the form in which such participation shall take place, including which cases shall be tried by jury, shall be provided for by statute.
      Section 71. Subsection 2. A person shall be deprived of his liberty only when this is warranted by law. Subsection 3. Any person who is taken into custody shall be brought before a judge within twenty-four hours. When the person taken into custody cannot be released immediately, the judge shall decide, in an order to be given as soon as possible and at the latest within three days, stating the grounds,
      whether the person taken into custody shall be committed to prison; and in cases in which he can be released on bail, the judge shall also determine the nature and amount of such bail. This provision
      may be disregarded by statute as far as Greenland is concerned, if for local considerations such departure may be deemed necessary. Subsection 4. The pronouncement of the judge may be separately appealed against at once to a higher court of justice by the person concerned. Subsection 5. No person shall be remanded in custody for an offence which can involve only punishment by fine or simple detention.

    • The Constitution of the Republic of Cyprus

      Article 30
      1. No person shall be denied access to the court assigned to him by or under this Constitution. The establishment of judicial committees or exceptional courts under any name whatsoever is prohibited.
      2. In the determination of his civil rights and obligations or of any criminal charge against him, every person is entitled to a fair and public hearing within a reasonable time by an independent, impartial and competent court established by law. Judgement shall be reasoned and pronounced in public session, but the press and the public may be excluded from all or any part of the trial upon a decision of the court where it is in the interest of the security of the Republic or the constitutional order or the public order or the public safety or the public morals or where the interests of juveniles or the protection of the private life of the parties so require or, in special circumstances where, in the opinion of the court, publicity would prejudice the interests of justice.
      3. Every person has the right -
      (a) to be informed of the reasons why he is required to appear before the court;
      (b) to present his case before the court and to have sufficient time necessary for its preparation;
      (c) to adduce or cause to be adduced his evidence and to examine witnesses according to law;
      (d) to have a lawyer of his own choice and to have free legal assistance where the interests of justice so require and as provided by law;
      (e) to have free assistance of an interpreter if he cannot understand or speak the language used in court.

    • Tο Σύνταγμα της Κυπριακής Δημοκρατίας

      ΑΡΘΡΟΝ 30
      1. Εις ουδένα δύναται ν’ απαγορευθή η προσφυγή ενώπιον του δικαστηρίου, εις ο δικαιούται να προσφύγη δυνάμει του Συντάγματος. Η σύστασις δικαστικών επιτροπών ή εκτάκτων δικαστηρίων υπό οιονδήποτε όνομα απαγορεύεται.
      2. Έκαστος, κατά την διάγνωσιν των αστικών αυτού δικαιωμάτων και υποχρεώσεων ή οιασδήποτε κατ’ αυτού ποινικής κατηγορίας, δικαιούται ανεπηρεάστου, δημοσίας ακροαματικής διαδικασίας εντός ευλόγου χρόνου, ενώπιον ανεξαρτήτου, αμερολήπτου και αρμοδίου δικαστηρίου ιδρυομένου διά νόμου.
      Αι αποφάσεις των δικαστηρίων δέον να είναι ητιολογημέναι και ν’ απαγγέλλωνται εν δημοσία συνεδριάσει, πλην όμως ο τύπος και το κοινόν δύνανται ν’ αποκλεισθώσιν εξ ολοκλήρου ή μέρους της δίκης τη αποφάσει του δικαστηρίου, οσάκις απαιτή τούτο το συμφέρον της ασφαλείας της Δημοκρατίας ή της συνταγματικής τάξεως ή της δημοσίας τάξεως ή της δημοσίας ασφαλείας ή των δημοσίων ηθών ή το συμφέρον των ανηλίκων ή η προστασία της ιδιωτικής ζωής των διαδίκων ή υπό ειδικάς συνθήκας, καθ’ ας κατά την κρίσιν του δικαστηρίου η δημοσιότης θα ηδύνατο να επηρεάσει δυσμενώς το συμφέρον της δικαιοσύνης.
      3. Έκαστος έχει το δικαίωμα:
      (α) να πληροφορηθή τους λόγους, δι’ ους καλείται να εμφανισθή ενώπιον του δικαστηρίου,
      (β) να προβάλη τους ισχυρισμούς αυτού ενώπιον του δικαστηρίου και να έχη χρόνον επαρκή διά την προπαρασκευήν τούτων,
      (γ) να προσάγη ή να προκαλή την προσαγωγήν των μέσων αποδείξεως και να εξετάζη μάρτυρας συμφώνως τω νόμω,
      (δ) να έχη συνήγορον της ιδίας αυτού εκλογής και να έχη δωρεάν νομικήν αρωγήν, οσάκις το συμφέρον της δικαιοσύνης απαιτή τούτο και όπως ο νόμος ορίζει,
      (ε) να έχει δωρεάν συμπαράστασιν διερμηνέως, εφ’ όσον δεν δύναται να κατανοή ή ομιλή την εν τω δικαστηρίω χρησιμοποιουμένην γλώσσαν.

    • Constitution of the Republic of Croatia

      Article 18
      The right to appeal against individual legal decisions made in first-instance proceedings by courts or other authorized bodies shall be guaranteed.
      By way of exception, the right to appeal may be denied in cases specified by law if other legal protections are ensured.

      Article 26
      All citizens of the Republic of Croatia and aliens shall be equal before the courts,
      governmental agencies and other bodies vested with pubic authority.

      Article 28
      Everyone is presumed innocent and may not be held guilty of a criminal offence until such
      guilt is proven by a binding court judgment.

      Article 29
      Everyone shall be entitled have his or her rights and obligations, or suspicion or accusation of
      a criminal offence decided upon fairly before a legally established, independent and impartial
      court within a reasonable period.
      In the case of suspicion or accusation of a criminal offence, the suspected, accused or indicted
      person shall be entitled:
      – to be informed in detail and in a language he/she understands, within the shortest possible
      term, of the nature and grounds for the charges against him/her and the evidence incriminating
      – to have adequate time and opportunity to prepare his/her defence,
      – to defence counsel and unrestricted communication therewith, and to be informed of this
      – to mount his/her own defence independently or with the assistance of a defence counsel of
      his/her own choice, and if he/she lacks the resources to engage such counsel, to have free
      counsel provided under the conditions specified by law,
      – to be present at his/her trial insofar as he/she is at the disposal of the court,
      – to interrogate or to arrange for interrogation of witnesses for the prosecution and to demand
      the attendance and questioning of defence witnesses under the same conditions which apply to
      witnesses for the prosecution,
      – to assistance by an interpreter free of charge insofar as he/she does not understand the
      language used in the court.
      An admission of guilt may not be coerced from a suspected, accused or indicted individual.
      Evidence obtained illegally may not be admitted in court proceedings.
      Criminal proceedings may only be initiated before the court at the request of an authorized

    • Ustav Republike Hrvatske

      Članak 18.
      Jamči se pravo na žalbu protiv pojedinačnih pravnih akata donesenih u postupku prvog stupnja pred sudom ili drugim ovlaštenim tijelom.
      Pravo na žalbu može biti iznimno isključeno u slučajevima određenima zakonom ako je osigurana druga pravna zaštita.

      Članak 26.
      Svi su državljani Republike Hrvatske i stranci jednaki pred sudovima i drugim državnim i inim tijelima koja imaju javne ovlasti.

      Članak 28.
      Svatko je nedužan i nitko ga ne može smatrati krivim za kazneno djelo dok mu se pravomoćnom sudskom presudom ne utvrdi krivnja.

      Članak 29.
      Svatko ima pravo da zakonom ustanovljeni neovisni i nepristrani sud pravično i u razumnom roku odluči o njegovim pravima i obvezama, ili o sumnji ili optužbi zbog kažnjivog djela.

      U slučaju sumnje ili optužbe zbog kažnjivog djela osumnjičenik, okrivljenik ili optuženik ima pravo:
      – da u najkraćem roku bude obaviješten potanko i na jeziku koji razumije o naravi i razlozima optužbe koja se diže protiv njega i o dokazima koji ga terete,
      – da ima odgovarajuće vrijeme i mogućnost za pripremu obrane,
      – na branitelja i nesmetano uspostavljanje veze s braniteljem, i s tim pravom mora biti upoznat,
      – da se brani sam ili uz branitelja po vlastitom izboru, a ako nema dovoljno sredstava da plati branitelja, ima pravo na besplatnog branitelja pod uvjetom propisanim zakonom,
      – da mu se sudi u njegovoj nazočnosti, ukoliko je dostupan sudu,
      – da ispituje ili dade ispitati svjedoke optužbe i da zahtijeva da se osigura nazočnost i ispitivanje svjedoka obrane pod istim uvjetima kao i svjedoka optužbe,
      – na besplatnu pomoć tumača ako ne razumije ili ne govori jezik koji se upotrebljava na sudu.
      Osumnjičenik, okrivljenik i optuženik ne smije se siliti da prizna krivnju.

      Dokazi pribavljeni na nezakonit način ne mogu se uporabiti u sudskom postupku.

      Kazneni postupak može se pokrenuti samo pred sudom na zahtjev ovlaštenog tužitelja.

    • Constitution of the Republic of Bulgaria

      Art. 30 [...] (4) Everyone shall be entitled to legal counsel from the moment of detention or from the moment of being charged.(5) Everyone shall be entitled to meet his legal counsel in private. The confidentiality of such communication shall be inviolable. Art. 31(1) Anyone charged with a crime shall be brought before a court within the time established by law. [...] (4) The rights of a defendant shall not be restricted beyond what is necessary for the purposes of a fair trial. Art. 45.
      All citizens shall have the right to lodge complaints, proposals and petitions with the state authorities.
      Art. 56Everyone shall have the right to legal defence whenever his rights or legitimate interests are violated or endangered. He shall have the right to be accompanied by legal counsel when appearing before an agency of the State. Art. 117.
      (1) The judiciary shall protect the rights and legitimate interests of all citizens, legal entities and the State. [...] Art. 120.
      (1) The courts shall supervise the legality of the acts and actions of the administrative bodies.
      (2) Citizens and legal entities shall be free to challange any administrative act which affects them, except those listed expressly by the laws. Art. 122(1) Citizens and legal entities shall have the right to legal counsel at all stages of a trial.(2) The procedure by which the right to legal counsel shall be practiced shall be established by law.

    • КОНСТИТУЦИЯ на Република България

      Чл. 30 [...] (4) Всеки има право на адвокатска защита от момента на задържането му или на привличането му като обвиняем.(5) Всеки има право да се среща насаме с лицето, което го защитава. Тайната на техните съобщения е неприкосновена. Чл. 31(1) Всеки обвинен в престъпление следва да бъде предаден на съдебната власт в законно определения срок. [...] (4) Не се допускат ограничения на правата на обвиняемия, надхвърлящи необходимото за осъществяване на правосъдието.Чл. 45. Гражданите имат право на жалби, предложения и петиции до държавните органи. Чл. 56 Всеки гражданин има право на защита, когато са нарушени или застрашени негови права или законни интереси. В държавните учреждения той може да се явява и със защитник. Чл. 117. (1) Съдебната власт защитава правата и законните интереси на гражданите, юридическите лица и държавата. [...] Чл. 120. (1) Съдилищата осъществяват контрол за законност на актове и действия на административните органи. (2) Гражданите и юридическите лица могат да обжалват всички административни актове, които ги засягат, освен изрично посочените със закон. Чл. 122(1) Гражданите и юридическите лица имат право на защита във всички стадии на процеса.(2) Редът за упражняване правото на защита се определя със закон.

    • De Belgische Grondwet

      Art 12De vrijheid van de persoon is gewaarborgd.Niemand kan worden vervolgd dan in de gevallen die de wet bepaalt en in de vorm die zij voorschrijft.(...) Art 13Niemand kan tegen zijn wil worden afgetrokken van de rechter die de wet hem toekent.Art 14Geen straf kan worden ingevoerd of toegepast dan krachtens de wet.Art 23Ieder heeft het recht een menswaardig leven te leiden.Daartoe waarborgen de wet, het decreet of de in artikel 134 bedoelde regel, rekening houdend met de overeenkomstige plichten, de economische, sociale en culturele rechten, waarvan ze de voorwaarden voor de uitoefening bepalen.Die rechten omvatten inzonderheid:(...) 2° het recht op sociale zekerheid, bescherming van de gezondheid en sociale, geneeskundige en juridische bijstand(...);Art 144Geschillen over burgerlijke rechten behoren bij uitsluiting tot de bevoegdheid van de rechtbanken.Art 145Geschillen over politieke rechten behoren tot de bevoegdheid van de rechtbanken, behoudens de bij de wet gestelde uitzonderingen.Art 146Geen rechtbank, geen met eigenlijke rechtspraak belast orgaan kan worden ingesteld dan krachtens een wet. Geen buitengewone rechtbanken of commissies kunnen, onder welke benaming ook, in het leven worden geroepen.Art 148De terechtzittingen van de rechtbanken zijn openbaar, tenzij de openbaarheid gevaar oplevert voor de orde of de goede zeden; in dat geval wordt zulks door de rechtbank bij vonnis verklaard.Inzake politieke misdrijven en drukpersmisdrijven kan het sluiten der deuren niet dan met algemene stemmen worden uitgesproken.Art 149Elk vonnis is met redenen omkleed. Het wordt in openbare terechtzitting uitgesproken.

    • La Constitution Belge

      Art 12La liberté individuelle est garantie.Nul ne peut être poursuivi que dans les cas prévus par la loi, et dans la forme qu'elle prescrit.(...) Art 13Nul ne peut être distrait, contre son gré, du juge que la loi lui assigne.Art 14Nulle peine ne peut être établie ni appliquée qu'en vertu de la loi.Art 23Chacun a le droit de mener une vie conforme à la dignité humaine.A cette fin, la loi, le décret ou la règle visée à l'article 134 garantissent, en tenant compte des obligations correspondantes, les droits économiques, sociaux et culturels, et déterminent les conditions de leur exercice.Ces droits comprennent notamment :(...) 2° le droit à la sécurité sociale, à la protection de la santé et à l'aide sociale, médicale et juridique(...);Art 144Les contestations qui ont pour objet des droits civils sont exclusivement du ressort des tribunaux.(....)Art 145Les contestations qui ont pour objet des droits politiques sont du ressort des tribunaux, sauf les exceptions établies par la loi.Art 146Nul tribunal, nulle juridiction contentieuse ne peut être établi qu'en vertu d'une loi. Il ne peu être créé de commissions ni de tribunaux extraordinaires, sous quelque dénomination que ce soit.Art 148Les audiences des tribunaux sont publiques, à moins que cette publicité ne soit dangereuse pour l'ordre ou les moeurs; et, dans ce cas, le tribunal le déclare par un jugement.En matière de délits politiques et de presse, le huis clos ne peut être prononcé qu'à l'unanimité.Art 149Tout jugement est motivé. Il est prononcé en audience publique.

    • The Belgian Constitution

      Article 12.The freedom of the individual is guaranteed.No one can be prosecuted except in the cases provided for by the law, and in the form prescribed by the law.(...) Article 13.No one can be separated, against his will, from the judge that the law has assigned to him. Article 14.No punishment can be introduced or administered except by virtue of the law. Article 23.Everyone has the right to lead a life in keeping with human dignity.
      To this end, the laws, federate laws and rules referred to in Article 134 guarantee
      economic, social and cultural rights, taking into account corresponding obligations, and
      determine the conditions for exercising them:(...) 2° the right to social security, to health care and to social, medical and legal aid;(...) Article 144.Disputes about civil rights belong exclusively to the competence of the courts. However, the law can empower the Council of State or federal administrative courts, in accordance with the terms it specifies, to rule on the effects that their decisions have with respect to civil law. Article 145.Disputes about political rights belong to the competence of the courts, except for the exceptions established by the law. Article 146. A court and a body capable of rendering judgment can only be established by virtue of a law. No extraordinary courts or commissions may be created, no matter under which designation. Article 148. Court hearings are public, unless such public access endangers morals or the peace; if such is the case, the Court so declares in a judgment.In cases of political or press offences, proceedings can only be conducted in camera on the basis of a unanimous vote. Article 149.Each judgment is supported by reasons. It is pronounced publicly.

    • Bundes-Verfassungsgesetz (B-VG)

      Artikel 83(2) Niemand darf seinem gesetzlichen Richter entzogen werden. Artikel 87(1) Die Richter sind in Ausübung ihres richterlichen Amtes unabhängig.(...) Article 90(1) Die Verhandlungen in Zivil- und Strafrechtssachen vor dem erkennenden Gericht sind mündlich und öffentlich. Ausnahmen bestimmt das Gesetz.

    • Constitution of the Republic of Austria

      Article 83(2) No one may be deprived of his lawful judge. Article 87(1) Judges are independent in the exercise of their judicial office.(...) Article 90(1) Hearings in civil and criminal cases are oral and public. Exceptions are regulated by law.

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