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Articolo 47 - Diritto a un ricorso effettivo e a un giudice imparziale
Ogni persona i cui diritti e le cui libertà garantiti dal diritto dell'Unione siano stati violati ha diritto a un ricorso effettivo dinanzi a un giudice, nel rispetto delle condizioni previste nel presente articolo. Ogni persona ha diritto a che la sua causa sia esaminata equamente, pubblicamente ed entro un termine ragionevole da un giudice indipendente e imparziale, precostituito per legge. Ogni persona ha la facoltà di farsi consigliare, difendere e rappresentare. A coloro che non dispongono di mezzi sufficienti è concesso il patrocinio a spese dello Stato, qualora ciò sia necessario per assicurare un accesso effettivo alla giustizia.
Il primo comma si basa sull'articolo 13 della CEDU:
`Ogni persona i cui diritti e le cui libertà riconosciuti nella presente Convenzione siano stati violati, ha diritto ad un ricorso effettivo davanti ad un’istanza nazionale, anche quando la violazione sia stata commessa da persone che agiscono nell’esercizio delle loro funzioni ufficiali.`.
Tuttavia, nel diritto dell'Unione, la tutela è più estesa in quanto essa garantisce il diritto a un ricorso effettivo dinanzi a un giudice. La Corte di giustizia ha sancito questo diritto, nella sentenza del 15 maggio 1986, quale principio generale del diritto dell'Unione (causa 222/84, Johnston, Racc. 1986, pag. 1651; cfr. inoltre le sentenze del 15 ottobre 1987, causa 222/86, Heylens, Racc. 1987, pag. 4097 e del 3 dicembre 1992, causa C-97/91, Borelli, Racc. 1992, pag. I-6313). Secondo la Corte, tale principio generale del diritto dell'Unione si applica anche agli Stati membri quando essi applicano il diritto dell'Unione. L'inserimento di questa giurisprudenza nella Carta non era inteso a modificare il sistema di controllo giurisdizionale previsto dai trattati e, in particolare, le norme in materia di ricevibilità per i ricorsi diretti dinanzi alla Corte di giustizia dell’Unione europea. La Convenzione europea ha esaminato il sistema di controllo giurisdizionale dell’Unione, comprese le norme in materia di ricevibilità che ha confermato pur modificandole sotto taluni aspetti (cfr. articoli da 251 a 281 del trattato sul funzionamento dell'Unione europea, in particolare articolo 263, quarto comma). L'articolo 47 si applica nei confronti delle istituzioni dell'Unione e degli Stati membri allorché questi attuano il diritto dell'Unione e ciò vale per tutti i diritti garantiti dal diritto dell’Unione.
Il secondo comma corrisponde all'articolo 6, paragrafo 1 della CEDU che recita:
`Ogni persona ha diritto a che la sua causa sia esaminata equamente, pubblicamente ed entro un termine ragionevole da un tribunale indipendente e imparziale, costituito per legge, il quale sia chiamato a pronunciarsi sulle controversie sui suoi diritti e doveri di carattere civile o sulla fondatezza di ogni accusa penale formulata nei suoi confronti. La sentenza deve essere resa pubblicamente, ma l’accesso alla sala d'udienza può essere vietato alla stampa e al pubblico durante tutto o parte del processo nell’interesse della morale, dell’ordine pubblico o della sicurezza nazionale in una società democratica, quando lo esigono gli interessi dei minori o la protezione della vita privata delle parti in causa, o, nella misura giudicata strettamente necessaria dal tribunale, quando in circostanze speciali la pubblicità possa portare pregiudizio agli interessi della giustizia.`.
Nel diritto dell'Unione il diritto a un giudice non si applica solo a controversie relative a diritti e obblighi di carattere civile. È una delle conseguenze del fatto che l'Unione è una comunità di diritto come la Corte ha constatato nella causa 294/83, Parti ecologiste `Les Verts` contro Parlamento europeo (sentenza del 23 aprile 1986, Racc. 1986, pag. 1339). Tuttavia, fatta eccezione per l'ambito di applicazione, le garanzie offerte dalla CEDU si applicano in modo analogo nell'Unione.
Riguardo al terzo comma va rilevato che, in base alla giurisprudenza della Corte europea dei diritti dell'uomo, deve essere accordata un'assistenza legale allorché la mancanza di tale assistenza renderebbe inefficace la garanzia di ricorso effettivo (sentenza CEDH del 9.10.1979, Airey, Serie A, Volume 32, pag. 11). Esiste inoltre un sistema di assistenza legale dinanzi alla Corte di giustizia dell'Unione europea.
Art. 45.1. Każdy ma prawo do sprawiedliwego i jawnego rozpatrzenia sprawy bez nieuzasadnionej zwłoki przez właściwy, niezależny, bezstronny i niezawisły sąd.2. Wyłączenie jawności rozprawy może nastąpić ze względu na moralność, bezpieczeństwo państwa i porządek publiczny oraz ze względu na ochronę życia prywatnego stron lub inny ważny interes prywatny. Wyrok ogłaszany jest publicznie.Art. 77.1. Każdy ma prawo do wynagrodzenia szkody, jaka została mu wyrządzona przez niezgodne z prawem działanie organu władzy publicznej.2. Ustawa nie może nikomu zamykać drogi sądowej dochodzenia naruszonych wolności lub praw.
Article 39(1) Whenever any person is charged with a criminal offence he shall, unless the charge is withdrawn, be afforded a fair hearing within a reasonable time by an independent and impartial court established by law.(2) Any court or other adjudicating authority prescribed by law for the determination of the existence or the extent of civil rights or obligations shall be independent and impartial; and, where proceedings for such a determination are instituted by any person before such a court or other adjudicating authority, the ease shall be given a fair hearing within a reasonable time.(3) Except with the agreement of all the parties thereto, all proceedings of every court and proceedings relating to the determination of the existence or the extent of a person's civil rights or obligations before any other adjudicating authority, including the announcement of the decision of the court or other authority, shall be held in public. (...)
Article 13. Nul ne peut être distrait contre son gré du juge que la loi lui assigne. Article 86. Nul tribunal, nulle juridiction contentieuse ne peuvent être établis qu’en vertu d’une loi. Il ne peut être créé de commissions ni de tribunaux extraordinaires, sous quelque dénomination que ce soit. Article 88. Les audiences des tribunaux sont publiques, à moins que cette publicité ne soit dangereuse pour l’ordre ou les moeurs, et, dans ce cas, le tribunal le déclare par un jugement. Article 89. Tout jugement est motivé. Il est prononcé en audience publique.
Article 13. No one may be deprived against his will of the judge that the law assigns to him. Article 86. A tribunal or a jurisdiction in contentious matters may only be established by virtue of a law. No extraordinary commissions or tribunals may be created under whatever denomination that may be. Article 88. The hearings of the tribunals are public, unless such publicity is a threat to order and morality, and in which case, the tribunal so declares by a judgment. Article 89. Every judgment is substantiated. It is pronounced in public hearing.
Article 20(...) No one may be arbitrarily detained or held arrested. No one may be deprived of his freedom otherwise than on the grounds and according to the procedures which have been established by law.A person detained in flagrante delicto must, within 48 hours, be brought before a court for the purpose of deciding, in the presence of the detainee, on the validity of the detention. If the court does not adopt a decision to arrest the person, the detainee shall be released immediately.Article 29All persons shall be equal before the law, the court, and other State institutions and officials.Article 30The person whose constitutional rights or freedoms are violated shall have the right to apply to court.Compensation for material and moral damage inflicted upon a person shall be established by law.Article 31(...) A person charged with the commission of a crime shall have the right to a public and fair hearing of his case by an independent and impartial court.Article 20. No one may be arbitrarily apprehended or detained. No one may be deprived of his liberty otherwise than on the grounds and according to the procedures established by law. A person apprehended in flagrante delicto must, within 48 hours, be brought before a court for the purpose of deciding, in the presence of this person, on the validity of the apprehension. If the court does not adopt a decision to detain the person, the apprehended person shall be released immediately. Article 30. A person whose constitutional rights or freedoms are violated shall have the right to apply to a court. Compensation for material and moral damage inflicted upon a person shall be established by law. Article 31. A person charged with committing a crime shall have the right to a public and fair hearing of his case by an independent and impartial court. A person suspected of committing a crime, as well as the accused, shall be guaranteed, from the moment of his apprehension or first interrogation, the right to defence, as well as the right to an advocate. Article 109. In the Republic of Lithuania, justice shall be administered only by courts. When administering justice, judges and courts shall be independent. When considering cases, judges shall obey only the law. Courts shall adopt decisions in the name of the Republic of Lithuania.
20 straipsnis. Niekas negali būti savavališkai sulaikytas arba laikomas suimtas. Niekam neturi būti atimta laisvė kitaip, kaip tokiais pagrindais ir pagal tokias procedūras, kokias yra nustatęs įstatymas. Nusikaltimo vietoje sulaikytas asmuo per 48 valandas turi būti pristatytas į teismą, kur sulaikytajam dalyvaujant sprendžiamas sulaikymo pagrįstumas. Jeigu teismas nepriima nutarimo asmenį suimti, sulaikytasis tuojau pat paleidžiamas. 30 straipsnis. Asmuo, kurio konstitucinės teisės ar laisvės pažeidžiamos, turi teisę kreiptis į teismą. Asmeniui padarytos materialinės ir moralinės žalos atlyginimą nustato įstatymas.31 straipsnis Asmuo, kaltinamas padaręs nusikaltimą, turi teisę, kad jo bylą viešai ir teisingai išnagrinėtų nepriklausomas ir bešališkas teismas. 109 straipsnis. Teisingumą Lietuvos Respublikoje vykdo tik teismai. Teisėjas ir teismai, vykdydami teisingumą, yra nepriklausomi. Teisėjai, nagrinėdami bylas, klauso tik įstatymo. Teismas priima sprendimus Lietuvos Respublikos vardu.
92. Everyone has the right to defend his or her rights and lawful interests in a fair court. Everyone shall be presumed innocent until his or her guilt has been established in accordance with law. Everyone, where his or her rights are violated without basis, has a right to commensurate compensation. Everyone has a right to the assistance of counsel.
92. Ikviens var aizstāvēt savas tiesības un likumiskās intereses taisnīgā tiesā. Ikviens uzskatāms par nevainīgu, iekams viņa vaina nav atzīta saskaņā ar likumu. Nepamatota tiesību aizskāruma gadījumā ikvienam ir tiesības uz atbilstīgu atlīdzinājumu. Ikvienam ir tiesības uz advokāta palīdzību.
Art. 24. Anyone may bring cases before a court of law in order to protect their rights under civil and administrative law. Defense is an inviolable right at every stage and instance of legal proceedings. The poor are entitled by law to proper means for action or defense in all courts. The law shall define the conditions and forms of reparation in case of judicial errors. Art. 25. No case may be removed from the court seized with it as established by law. No punishment may be inflicted except by virtue of a law in force at the time tehe offence was committed. No restriction may be placed on a person's liberty save for as provided by law. Art. 101. Justice is administered in the name of the people. Judges are subject only to the law. Art. 104. The Judiciary is a branch that is autonomous and independent of all other powers. (...) Art. 111. Jurisdiction is implemented through due process regulated by law. All court trials are conducted with adversary proceedings and the parties. are entitled to equal conditions before an impartial judge in third party position. The law provides for the reasonable duration of trials. In criminal law trials, the law provides that the alleged offender shall be promptly informed confidentially of the nature and reasons for the charges that are brought and shall have adequate time and conditions to prepare a defence. The defendant shall have the right to cross-examine or to have cross-examined before a judge the persons making accusations and to summon and examine persons for the defence in the same conditions as the prosecution, as well as the right to produce all other evidence in favour of the defence. The defendant is entitled to the assistance of an interpreter in the case that he or she does not speak or understand the language in which the court proceedings are conducted. In criminal law proceedings, the formation of evidence is based on the principle of adversary hearings. The guilt of the defendant cannot be established on the basis of statements by persons who, out of their own free choice, have always voluntarily avoided undergoing cross-examination by the defendant or the defence counsel. The law regulates the cases in which the formation of evidence does not occur in an adversary proceeding with the consent of the defendant or owing to reasons of ascertained objective impossibility or proven illicit conduct. All judicial decisions shall include a statement of reasons. Appeals to the Court of Cassation in cases of violations of the law are always allowed against sentences and against measures affecting personal freedom pronounced by ordinary and special courts. This rule can only be waived in cases of sentences by military tribunals in time of war. Appeals to the Court of Cassation against decisions of the Council of State and the Court of Accounts are permitted only for reasons of jurisdiction. Art. 112. The public prosecutor has the obligation to institute criminal proceedings. Art. 113. The judicial safeguarding of rights and legitimate interests before the bodies of ordinary or administrative justice is always permitted against acts of the public administration. Such judicial protection may not be excluded or limited to particular kinds of appeal or for particular categories of acts. The law determines which judicial bodies are empowered to annul acts of public administration in the cases and with the consequences provided for by the law itself.
Art. 24. Tutti possono agire in giudizio per la tutela dei propri diritti e interessi legittimi.La difesa è diritto inviolabile in ogni stato e grado del procedimento.Sono assicurati ai non abbienti, con appositi istituti, i mezzi per agire e difendersi davanti ad ogni giurisdizione.La legge determina le condizioni e i modi per la riparazione degli errori giudiziari. Art. 25. Nessuno può essere distolto dal giudice naturale precostituito per legge. Nessuno può essere punito se non in forza di una legge che sia entrata in vigore prima del fatto commesso. Nessuno può essere sottoposto a misure di sicurezza se non nei casi previsti dalla legge. Art. 101. La giustizia è amministrata in nome del popolo. I giudici sono soggetti soltanto alla legge. Art. 104. La magistratura costituisce un ordine autonomo e indipendente da ogni altro potere. (...) Art. 111. La giurisdizione si attua mediante il giusto processo regolato dalla legge. Ogni processo si svolge nel contraddittorio tra le parti, in condizioni di parità, davanti a giudice terzo e imparziale. La legge ne assicura la ragionevole durata. Nel processo penale, la legge assicura che la persona accusata di un reato sia, nel più breve tempo possibile, informata riservatamente della natura e dei motivi dell'accusa elevata a suo carico; disponga del tempo e delle condizioni necessari per preparare la sua difesa; abbia la facoltà, davanti al giudice, di interrogare o di far interrogare le persone che rendono dichiarazioni a suo carico, di ottenere la convocazione e l'interrogatorio di persone a sua difesa nelle stesse condizioni dell'accusa e l'acquisizione di ogni altro mezzo di prova a suo favore; sia assistita da un interprete se non comprende o non parla la lingua impiegata nel processo. Il processo penale è regolato dal principio del contraddittorio nella formazione della prova. La colpevolezza dell'imputato non può essere provata sulla base di dichiarazioni rese da chi, per libera scelta, si è sempre volontariamente sottratto all'interrogatorio da parte dell'imputato o del suo difensore. La legge regola i casi in cui la formazione della prova non ha luogo in contraddittorio per consenso dell'imputato o per accertata impossibilità di natura oggettiva o per effetto di provata condotta illecita. Tutti i provvedimenti giurisdizionali devono essere motivati. Contro le sentenze e contro i provvedimenti sulla libertà personale, pronunciati dagli organi giurisdizionali ordinari o speciali, è sempre ammesso ricorso in cassazione per violazione di legge. Si può derogare a tale norma soltanto per le sentenze dei tribunali militari in tempo di guerra.Contro le decisioni del Consiglio di Stato e della Corte dei conti il ricorso in cassazione è ammesso per i soli motivi inerenti alla giurisdizione. Art. 112. Il pubblico ministero ha l'obbligo di esercitare l'azione penale. Art. 113. Contro gli atti della pubblica amministrazione è sempre ammessa la tutela giurisdizionale dei diritti e degli interessi legittimi dinanzi agli organi di giurisdizione ordinaria o amministrativa.Tale tutela giurisdizionale non può essere esclusa o limitata a particolari mezzi di impugnazione o per determinate categorie di atti.La legge determina quali organi di giurisdizione possono annullare gli atti della pubblica amministrazione nei casi e con gli effetti previsti dalla legge stessa.
Article 34.1. Justice shall be administered in courts established by law by judges appointed in the manner provided by this Constitution, and, save in such special and limited cases as may be prescribed by law, shall be administered in public.Article 38.1No person shall be tried on any criminal charge save in due course of law.
57 § (1) A Magyar Köztársaságban a bíróság előtt mindenki egyenlő, és mindenkinek joga van ahhoz, hogy az ellene emelt bármely vádat, vagy valamely perben a jogait és kötelességeit a törvény által felállított független és pártatlan bíróság igazságos és nyilvános tárgyaláson bírálja el.(…) (5) A Magyar Köztársaságban a törvényben meghatározottak szerint mindenki jogorvoslattal élhet az olyan bírósági, közigazgatási és más hatósági döntés ellen, amely a jogát vagy jogos érdekét sérti. A jogorvoslati jogot - a jogviták ésszerű időn belüli elbírálásának érdekében, azzal arányosan - a jelen lévő országgyűlési képviselők kétharmadának szavazatával elfogadott törvény korlátozhatja.70/K § Az alapvető jogok megsértése miatt keletkezett igények, továbbá a kötelességek teljesítésével kapcsolatban hozott állami döntések elleni kifogások bíróság előtt érvényesíthetők.
Article 57(1) In the Republic of Hungary everyone is equal before the law and has the right to have the accusations brought against him, as well as his rights and duties in legal proceedings, judged in a just, public trial by an independent and impartial court established by law. (…) (5) In the Republic of Hungary everyone may seek legal remedy, in accordance with the provisions of the law, to judicial, administrative or other official decisions, which infringe on his rights or justified interests. A law passed by a majority of two-thirds of the votes of the Members of Parliament present may impose restrictions on the right to legal remedy in the interest of, and in proportion with, adjudication of legal disputes within a reasonable period of time.Article 70/KClaims arising from infringement on fundamental rights, and objections to the decisions of public authorities regarding the fulfilment of duties may be brought before a court of law.
XXVIII. cikk (SZABADSÁG ÉS FELELŐSSÉG) (1) Mindenkinek joga van ahhoz, hogy az ellene emelt bármely vádat vagy valamely perben a jogait és kötelezettségeit törvény által felállított, független és pártatlan bíróság tisztességes és nyilvános tárgyaláson, ésszerű határidőn belül bírálja el. […] (3) A büntetőeljárás alá vont személynek az eljárás minden szakaszában joga van a védelemhez. A védő nem vonható felelősségre a védelem ellátása során kifejtett véleménye miatt. […] (7) Mindenkinek joga van ahhoz, hogy jogorvoslattal éljen az olyan bírósági, hatósági és más közigazgatási döntés ellen, amely a jogát vagy jogos érdekét sérti.
Article XXVIII (Freedom and Responsibility) (1) Everyone shall have the right to have any charge against him or her, or his or her rights and obligations in any litigation, adjudicated within a reasonable time in a fair and public trial by an independent and impartial court established by an Act. […] (3) Persons subject to criminal proceedings shall have the right to defence at all stages of the procedure. Defence counsels shall not be held liable for their opinion expressed while providing legal defence. […] (7) Everyone shall have the right to seek legal remedy against any court, authority or other administrative decision which violates his or her rights or legitimate interests.
Article 8 No person shall be deprived of the judge assigned to him by law against his will. Judicial committees or extraordinary courts, under any name whatsoever, shall not be constituted. [...] .Article 20 (1) Every person shall be entitled to receive legal protection by the courts and may plead before them his views concerning his rights or interests, as specified by law. (2). The right of a person to a prior hearing also applies in any administrative action or measure adopted at the expense of his rights or interests. [...] .Article 87 (1). Justice shall be administered by courts composed of regular judges who shall enjoy functional and personal independence. (2). In the discharge of their duties, judges shall be subject only to the Constitution and the laws; in no case whatsoever shall they be obliged to comply with provisions enacted in violation of the Constitution. (3). Regular judges shall be inspected by judges of a superior rank, as well as by the Public Prosecutor and the Deputy Prosecutor of the Supreme Civil and Criminal Court; Public Prosecutors shall be inspected by the Supreme Civil and Criminal Court judges and Public Prosecutors of a superior rank, as specified by law [...] Article 97 (1). Felonies and political crimes shall be tried by mixed jury courts composed of ordinary judges and jurors, as specified by law. The judgments of these courts shall be subject to the legal remedies specified by law. (2). Felonies and political crimes which prior to the date of entry into force of this Constitution have, by constituent acts, parliamentary resolutions and special statutes, come under the jurisdiction of courts of appeal shall continue to be tried by the said courts, as long as a statute does not transfer them to the jurisdiction of mixed jury courts. Other felonies may be transferred to the jurisdiction of the same courts of appeal by statute. (3). Crimes of any degree committed through the press shall be under the jurisdiction of ordinary criminal courts, as specified by law. [...]
Άρθρο 8 Κανένας δεν στερείται χωρίς τη θέλησή του το δικαστή που του έχει ορίσει ο νόμος. Δικαστικές επιτροπές και έκτακτα δικαστήρια, με οποιοδήποτε όνομα, δεν επιτρέπεται να συσταθούν.[...] Άρθρο 20 (1).Καθένας έχει δικαίωμα στην παροχή έννομης προστασίας από τα δικαστήρια και μπορεί να αναπτύξει σ' αυτά τις απόψεις του για τα δικαιώματα ή συμφέροντά του, όπως νόμος ορίζει. (2).Το δικαίωμα της προηγούμενης ακρόασης του ενδιαφερομένου ισχύει και για κάθε διοικητική ενέργεια ή μέτρο που λαμβάνεται σε βάρος των δικαιωμάτων ή συμφερόντων του [...].Άρθρο 87 (1).Η δικαιοσύνη απονέμεται από δικαστήρια συγκροτούμενα από τακτικούς δικαστές, που απολαμβάνουν λειτουργική προσωπική ανεξαρτησία.(2).Οι δικαστές κατά την άσκηση των καθηκόντων τους υπόκεινται μόνο στο Σύνταγμα και στους νόμους και σε καμία περίπτωση δεν υποχρεούνται να συμμορφώνονται με διατάξεις που έχουν τεθεί κατά κατάλυση του Συντάγματος.(3).Η επιθεώρηση των τακτικών δικαστών ενεργείται από δικαστές ανώτερου βαθμού καθώς και από τον Εισαγγελέα, τους Αντεισαγγελείς του Αρείου Πάγου, των δε εισαγγελέων από αρεοπαγίτες και εισαγγελείς ανώτερου βαθμού, σύμφωνα με τους ορισμούς του νόμου. [...] Άρθρο 97(1).Τα κακουργήματα και τα πολιτικά εγκλήματα δικάζονται από μικτά ορκωτά δικαστήρια που συγκροτούνται από τακτικούς δικαστές και ενόρκους, όπως νόμος ορίζει. Οι αποφάσεις των δικαστηρίων αυτών υπόκεινται στα ένδικα μέσα που ορίζει ο νόμος.(2).Κακουργήματα και πολιτικά εγκλήματα, που με συντακτικές πράξεις, ψηφίσματα και ειδικούς νόμους έχουν υπαχθεί έως την ισχύ του Συντάγματος στη δικαιοδοσία των εφετείων, εξακολουθούν να δικάζονται από αυτά, εφόσον δεν υπαχθούν με νόμο στην αρμοδιότητα των μικτών ορκωτών δικαστηρίων. Με νόμο μπορεί να υπαχθούν στη δικαιοδοσία των ίδιων εφετείων και άλλα κακουργήματα.(3).Τα εγκλήματα κάθε βαθμού που διαπράττονται δια του Τύπου υπάγονται στα τακτικά ποινικά δικαστήρια, όπως νόμος ορίζει. [...]
Article 19 (...) (4) Should any person’s rights be violated by public authority, he may have recourse to the courts. If no other jurisdiction has been established, recourse shall be to the ordinary courts. The second sentence of paragraph (2) of Article 10 shall not be affected by this paragraph. Article 97 (1) Judges shall be independent and subject only to the law. (...) Article 101 (1) Extraordinary courts shall not be allowed. No one may be removed from the jurisdiction of his lawful judge. (2) Courts for particular fields of law may be established only by a law. Article 103 (1) In the courts every person shall be entitled to a hearing in accordance with law. (2) An act may be punished only if it was defined by a law as a criminal offence before the act was committed. (3) No person may be punished for the same act more than once under the general criminal laws.
Artikel 19 (...) (4) Wird jemand durch die öffentliche Gewalt in seinen Rechten verletzt, so steht ihm der Rechtsweg offen. Soweit eine andere Zuständigkeit nicht begründet ist, ist der ordentliche Rechtsweg gegeben. Artikel 10 Abs. 2 Satz 2 bleibt unberührt. Artikel 97 (1) Die Richter sind unabhängig und nur dem Gesetze unterworfen. (...) Artikel 101 (1) Ausnahmegerichte sind unzulässig. Niemand darf seinem gesetzlichen Richter entzogen werden. (2) Gerichte für besondere Sachgebiete können nur durch Gesetz errichtet werden. Artikel 103 (1) Vor Gericht hat jedermann Anspruch auf rechtliches Gehör. (...)
Article 64 The President of the Republic shall be the guarantor of the independence of the Judicial Authority (...)