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EU Charter of Fundamental Rights

Airteagal 35 - Cúram sláinte

Airteagal 35 - Cúram sláinte

Tá ag gach duine an ceart chun rochtain a fháil ar chúram sláinte coisctheach agus chun tairbhiú den chóireáil leighis faoi na coinníollacha atá bunaithe le dlíthe agus cleachtais náisiúnta. Déanfar ardleibhéal cosanta ar shláinte an duine a áirithiú i sainiú agus i gcur chun feidhme bheartais agus ghníomhaíochtaí uile an Aontais.

    • Text:

      Tá na prionsabail a leagtar amach san Airteagal seo bunaithe ar Airteagal 152 de Chonradh CE, a bhfuil Airteagal 168 den Chonradh ar Fheidhmiú an Aontais Eorpaigh curtha ina ionad anois, agus ar Airteagail 11 agus 13 de Chairt Shóisialta na hEorpa. Cuimsíonn an dara habairt den Airteagal a bhfuil in Airteagal 168(1).

      Iris Oifigiúil an Aontais Eorpaigh C 303/17 - 14.12.2007
      Preamble - Explanations relating to the Charter of Fundamental Rights:
      Ullmhaíodh na mínithe seo i dtosach faoi údarás Praesidium an Choinbhinsiúin a dhréachtaigh an Chairt um Chearta Bunúsacha an Aontais Eorpaigh. Tugadh suas chun dáta iad faoi chúram Praesidium an Choinbhinsiúin Eorpaigh i bhfianaise na gcoigeartuithe dréachtaithe a rinne an Coinbhinsiún sin ar théacs na Cairte (go háirithe ar Airteagail 51 agus 52) agus i bhfianaise an fhoráis a tháinig ar dhlí an Aontais. Cé nach bhfuil stádas dlí acu iontu féin, is mór is fiú iad mar uirlis léirithe arb é is aidhm di forálacha na Cairte a shoiléiriú.

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    46 results found

    • Ustav Republike Hrvatske

      Članak 59.
      Svakom se jamči pravo na zdravstvenu zaštitu u skladu sa zakonom.

    • Constitution of the Republic of Bulgaria

      Article 52(1) Citizens shall have the right to medical insurance guaranteeing them affordable medical care, and to free medical care in accordance with conditions and procedures established by law.(2) Medical care shall be financed from the state budget, by employers, through private and collective health-insurance schemes, and from other sources in accordance with conditions and procedures established by law.(3) The State shall protect the health of all citizens and shall promote the development of sports and tourism.

    • КОНСТИТУЦИЯ на Република България

      Чл. 52(1) Гражданите имат право на здравно осигуряване, гарантиращо им достъпна медицинска помощ, и на безплатно ползване на медицинско обслужване при условия и по ред, определени със закон.(2) Здравеопазването на гражданите се финансира от държавния бюджет, от работодателите, от лични и колективни осигурителни вноски и от други източници при условия и по ред, определени със закон.(3) Държавата закриля здравето на гражданите и насърчава развитието на спорта и туризма.

    • De Belgische Grondwet

      Artikel 23Ieder heeft het recht een menswaardig leven te leiden.Daartoe waarborgen de wet, het decreet of de in artikel 134 bedoelde regel, rekening houdend met de overeenkomstige plichten, de economische, sociale en culturele rechten, waarvan ze de voorwaarden voor de uitoefening bepalen.Die rechten omvatten inzonderheid:(...) 2) het recht op sociale zekerheid, bescherming van de gezondheid en sociale, geneeskundige en juridische bijstand; (...)

    • La Constitution Belge

      Article 23Chacun a le droit de mener une vie conforme à la dignité humaine.A cette fin, la loi, le décret ou la règle visée à l'article 134 garantissent, en tenant compte des obligations correspondantes, les droits économiques, sociaux et culturels, et déterminent les conditions de leur exercice.Ces droits comprennent notamment:(...) 2) le droit à la sécurité sociale, à la protection de la santé et à l'aide sociale, médicale et juridique; (...)

    • The Belgian Constitution

      Article 23.Everyone has the right to lead a life in keeping with human dignity.
      To this end, the laws, federate laws and rules referred to in Article 134 guarantee
      economic, social and cultural rights, taking into account corresponding obligations, and
      determine the conditions for exercising them.
      These rights include among others: (...)2) the right to social security, to health care and to social, medical, and legal aid; (...)

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