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Airteagal 32 - Toirmeasc ar leanaí a bheith ag obair agus cosaint daoine óga ag an obair
Toirmisctear fostaíocht a thabhairt do leanaí. Ní fhéadfaidh an aois íosta chun dul i mbun fostaíochta a bheith níos ísle ná an aois íosta chun an scoil a fhágáil, gan dochar do cibé rialacha atá níos fabhrúla do dhaoine óga agus seachas i gcás maoluithe teoranta amháin. Daoine óga a gceadaítear dóibh dul i mbun fostaíochta, ní mór dálaí oibre a bheith acu a oireann dá n-aois agus ní mór iad a chosaint ar dhúshaothrú eacnamaíoch agus ar aon obair ar dóigh di a sábháilteacht, a sláinte, a bhforbairt choirp, mheabhrach, mhorálta nó shóisialta a dhochrú nó cur isteach ar a n-oideachas.
Tá an tAirteagal seo bunaithe ar Threoir 94/33/CE maidir le cosaint daoine óga ag an obair, ar Airteagal 7 de Chairt Shóisialta na hEorpa agus ar phointí 20 go 23 den Chairt Chomhphobail um Chearta Sóisialta Bunúsacha le haghaidh Oibrithe.
Art. 37. (…) La legge stabilisce il limite minimo di età per il lavoro salariato.La Repubblica tutela il lavoro dei minori con speciali norme e garantisce ad essi, a parità di lavoro, il diritto alla parità di retribuzione.
Article 45.4.2. The state shall endeavour to ensure that the strength and health of workers, men and women, and the tender age of children shall not be abused and that citizens shall not be forced by economic
66 § (…) (3) A munka végzése során a nők és a fiatalok védelmét külön szabályok is biztosítják.
Article 66(…) (3) Separate regulations shall ensure the protection of women and youth in the workplace.
XVIII. cikk (SZABADSÁG ÉS FELELŐSSÉG) (1) Gyermekek foglalkoztatása – testi, szellemi és erkölcsi fejlődésüket nem veszélyeztető, törvényben meghatározott esetek kivételével – tilos. (2) Magyarország külön intézkedésekkel biztosítja a fiatalok és a szülők munkahelyi védelmét.
Article XVIII (Freedom and Responsibility) (1) The employment of children shall be prohibited, except in those cases specified in an Act where there is no risk to their physical, mental or moral development. (2) By means of separate measures, Hungary shall ensure the protection of young people and parents at work.
§ 7. Entry into employment contract with minor (1) An employer shall not enter into an employment contract with a minor under 15 years of age or a minor subject to the obligation to attend school, or allow such a minor to work, except in the cases provided for in subsection (4) of this section. (2) An employer shall not enter into an employment contract with a minor or allow a minor to work if the work: 1) is beyond the minor’s physical or psychological capacity; 2) is likely to harm the moral development of the minor; 3) involves risks which the minor cannot recognise or avoid owing to lack of experience or training; 4) is likely to hinder the minor's social development or the acquisition of his or her education; 5) is likely to harm the minor’s health due to the nature of the work or the working environment. (...)
§ 7. Töölepingu sõlmimine alaealisega (1) Tööandja ei tohi töölepingut sõlmida alla 15-aastase või koolikohustusliku alaealisega ega teda tööle lubada, välja arvatud käesoleva paragrahvi lõikes 4 sätestatud juhtudel. (2) Tööandja ei tohi töölepingut sõlmida alaealisega ega lubada teda tööle, mis: 1) ületab alaealise kehalisi või vaimseid võimeid; 2) ohustab alaealise kõlblust; 3) sisaldab ohte, mida alaealine ei suuda õigel ajal märgata ega ära hoida kogemuse või väljaõppe puudumise tõttu; 4) takistab alaealise sotsiaalset arengut või hariduse omandamist; 5) ohustab alaealise tervist töö iseloomu või töökeskkonna ohutegurite tõttu. (...)
Article 65 (2) Children shall not be employed before reaching the age specified by law, nor shall they be forced or allowed to do any work that is harmful to their health or morality. (3) Young people, mothers and disabled persons shall be entitled to special protection at work.
Članak 65. (2) Djeca ne mogu biti primljena na rad prije zakonom određene dobi niti smiju biti prisiljavana na rad koji štetno utječe na njihovo zdravlje ili ćudoređe, niti im se takav rad smije dopustiti. (3) Mladež, majke i osobe s invaliditetom imaju pravo na osobitu zaštitu na radu.
Article 305 (Particular Care for Adolescents)(1) The employer shall take special care for the work of persons under 18 by providing alleviated working conditions and opportunities to acquire professional qualification and to raise the qualification level. (2) (New – SG, No. 25/2001) The employer shall be bound to inform the underage employees and their parents or guardians about the eventual risks on the job and about the measures taken to ensure healthy and safe conditions of work. (3) (Amended - SG, No. 25/2001) The working hours of employees under 18 shall be 35 working hours weekly and 7 hours daily for 5-day work week. (4) Employees under 18 shall be entitled to a paid annual leave of not less than 26 working days, including during the calendar year when they turn 18 years of age.
Artikel 3 Kinderarbeit ist verboten. Abgesehen von gesetzlich vorgesehenen begrenzten Ausnahmen darf das Mindestalter für den Eintritt in das Arbeitsleben das Alter, in dem die Schulpflicht endet, nicht unterschreiten. Artikel 1 Jedes Kind hat Anspruch auf den Schutz und die Fürsorge, die für sein Wohlergehen notwendig sind, auf bestmögliche Entwicklung und Entfaltung sowie auf die Wahrung seiner Interessen auch unter dem Gesichtspunkt der Generationengerechtigkeit. Bei allen Kinder betreffenden Maßnahmen öffentlicher und privater Einrichtungen muss das Wohl des Kindes eine vorrangige Erwägung sein.
Article 3 Child labour is prohibited. Apart from any exemptions laid down by law, the minimum age for entering the labour market shall not be below the age at which compulsory schooling ends. Article 1 Each child shall be entitled to the protection and care that is necessary for his/her well-being, to optimal development and self-realisation as well as to the protection of his/her interests with regards to intergenerational equity. The wellbeing of the child shall be the primary consideration in respect of all measures affecting children that are taken by public and private institutions.