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EU CRPD Framework - monitoring

The EU Framework collects data and information to check that EU law and its application are coherent with the CRPD.

How EU Framework members monitor the CRPD

The European Parliament monitors the application of EU law through implementation reports, human rights reports, oral questions, studies and implementation assessments.

In particular:

  • the Committee on Employment and Social Affairs (EMPL) is responsible for all aspects of social policy and for discrimination based on disability at the workplace and in the labour market;
  • the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE) is responsible for the protection within the territory of the EU of citizens' rights, human rights and fundamental rights as well as for measures needed to fight all forms of discrimination, including based on disability, other than those based on sex or occurring at the workplace and in the labour market;
  • the Bureau Working Group on Equality and Diversity supervises the administrative measures to implement the CRPD in the Parliament's General Secretariat.

The European Ombudsman:

The EU Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA):

The European Disability Forum (EDF):