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National Human Rights Institutions, Equality Bodies and Ombudsperson Institutions

FRA works closely with National Human Rights Institutions, Equality Bodies and Ombudsperson Institutions through annual meetings and by involving selected bodies in the design and implementation of FRA projects, as well as through cooperation activities related to the dissemination and follow-up of FRA findings. There is a regular exchange of information between FRA and these bodies.

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Equality Bodies

The EU legislation requires Member States to establish a body or bodies for the promotion of equal treatment on the grounds of racial or ethnic origin and gender or sex. FRA cooperates with equality bodies with their coordinating structure Equinet (European Network of Equality Bodies) and through direct bilateral cooperation. Regular meetings are held between FRA and Equinet as well as with the Equinet members on a thematic basis. FRA is also regularly invited to contribute to Equinet training sessions and seminars.

For more information on equality bodies see:

National Human Rights Institutions

National Human Rights Institutions (NHRIs) are independent institutions established by law and in  compliance with the United Nations endorsed ‘Paris Principles’. NHRIs are mandated to protect and promote human rights at the national level in accordance with international human rights norms and standards. FRA cooperates with NHRIs with the European Network of NHRIs and through direct bilateral cooperation. Annual thematic meetings also take place between FRA and the NHRIs.

For more information on NHRIs see: the following:

Ombudsperson institutions

Ombudsperson institutions are independent and easily accessible control mechanisms of national public administration. In several Member States, ombudsperson institutions have been empowered to monitor the implementation of certain human rights standards, in particular of the right to good administration as enshrined in the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union. The mandate of ombudsperson institutions in the EU and the power they are given vary widely. FRA cooperates with ombudsperson institutions on different levels, and is continuously exploring ways to increasing cooperation.
